Sunday, January 4, 2009

Can You Gender Test Your Unborn Child?

Can You Gender Test Your Unborn Child?
By Ian Dennis

With only a few drops of your maternal blood you can find out
if baby’s sex is male or female. And you can do it as early as
five weeks after conception with the newest technology in the

The technology has been tested for the last 14 years - and it
works! I am amazed that it is possible. When I was pregnant the
last time I got the test – which was very easy to understand and
perform. The result came within less than 48 hours, and my
husband and I was very happy to learn that I was carrying a baby
girl. Our two sons were delighted about their baby sister to
come. When the baby girl was born, we had made everything ready
for her. No worries about getting pink or blue clothes.

The test is done with cutting-edge, patent-pending technology
to attain the earliest gender detection with unprecedented
sensitivity and unsurpassed accuracy.

The technique traces the amount of active genetic fetal
chromosomal DNA in the maternal blood to determine gender. It is
proven, well-documented scientific fact that your baby releases
its DNA into your blood plasma. In a lab it is possible to
determine fetus-originated-specific chromosome sequence detected
in the maternal blood stream.

If there is fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence
detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one
baby boy.

If fetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence is detected
in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby

If there is a substantial amount fetus-originated Y-specific
chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that
you are carrying at least one baby boy and there is a
substantial amount of fetus-originated X-specific chromosome
sequence detected in your blood, indicating that you are
carrying at least one baby girl. Then you are currently carrying
at least one baby girl and boy at this time.

About the Author: Much more information about Baby Gender on
this website. Go there!


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Ten Tips For A Super Summer With Your Baby

Ten Tips For A Super Summer With Your Baby
By Paula Dennholt

Summer time and the living is easy...

Or is it?

Here are some useful tips to help you have a really great
summer with your baby.

1) The sun

Stay out of it. Or at least make sure your baby stays out of
the sun. Baby skin is very delicate and can't handle the sun's
rays. Keep your baby in the shadow and protect him with clothes
and hats. Sunscreen cream is really a last resort solution, as
it can contain harmful substances.

2) Hydration

Make sure you or your baby doesn't get dehydrated. If you only
breastfeed, consider feeding your baby a bit more often than
usual if it is very hot. And make sure you drink a lot of water,
to stimulate milk production (and to feel good yourself). If
your baby has started to eat solid food, offer water also
between meals.

3) The heat

If your baby sleeps in a stroller or car seat, check often how
warm he is. Both a stroller and a car seat can become very hot.
You might even want to consider buying a thermometer and put it
into the stroller, especially if your baby is really young.
Babies younger than 4 months, are at the highest risk for SIDS
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and being over heated is one
possible cause.

4) Bugs

A mosquito net both for the stroller and the travel crib, if
you use one, is very practical. This way you can be pretty sure
that flies, wasps and other unpleasant guests can't reach your
baby. Some mosquito nets contain sun screen - great, although
you still can't place your baby in direct sun light, of course.

5) Daylight

In many places, summer means a lot more daylight. Sunny
evenings, sunny mornings - and in worst case a baby that
believes that 5 am is the time to get out of bed. Hey mom, the
sun's up, why aren't we...?

To prevent this, make sure your baby's bedroom is as dark as
possible. Give your baby plenty of fresh air and stimulation
during daytime, to make sure that he is really tired at night.

And if nothing helps - take turns with your spouse to get up
early and try to think ´positive. If it wasn't for your little
darling, you'd never see those beautiful dawns, right? Yawn!

6) Bathing

If you want your baby to have some fun in the water, go a head!
Many babies get crazy with happiness when splashing the water.
Just remember to let your baby decide if he wants to just dip
his toes or have a real bath. If the water is colder than 90 F
(32 C), your baby should not swim only splash; it is simply too
cold for his little body.

If you’re going to swim in a pool, consider smearing your baby
with baby oil before bathing. The chlorine in the water can
really make both your and your baby's skin dry. But remember,
your baby will become very slippery, so be careful!

7) Enjoy the green world

Unless your baby is newborn, he is likely to find leaves,
flower and grass very exiting. Let him touch the grass with his
hands and feet and smell the flowers. Even lying on his back
watching the leaves sway above his head while you take a walk
can be great fun for a baby.

8) Diapers off

Let your baby spend time without his diapers as much as
possible. This is great for his skin and prevents diaper rash
that might develop from using moist, warm diapers all day long.
Let your baby lie on a towel in the grass (in the shadow) and
just enjoy the summer breeze.

9) Food storage

With warm weather comes bacteria growth. If your baby has
started to eat solid foods, make sure that you serve your baby
fresh foods. Throw away anything that seems suspicious and don't
store food for more that a day or so.

10) Breastfeeding in public

Summer often means more time outside and away from home.
Practice your breastfeeding skills so that you feel comfortable
with breastfeeding in public. Buy some really good nursing tops
and bras and try to teach your baby to breastfeed under a
blanket. This way you can breastfeed almost anywhere.

Have a great summer with your baby!

About the Author: Paula Dennholt is the founder of, a website dedicated to help parents
make life with a new baby pleasant. Find tips about daily care,
baby sleep, traveling, breastfeeding, fun activities, mom care
and much more.


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The Care Of Baby Teeth: What A Parent Should Know

The Care Of Baby Teeth: What A Parent Should Know
By Peyton Hines

Of course, with your newborn, you won't be worrying about tooth
care. However, as your child gets older, you'll want to know
how to take care of your older baby's or toddler's teeth.
Caring for a baby's or toddler's teeth can be challenging, but
it's still important. Here are some tips you should follow.

When new teeth come in

As any new parent knows, by the time a baby is just a few
months old, he or she may be cutting a first tooth. This is
where the care of baby teeth starts. First of all, to help the
baby teethe, you can purchase specially made teething rings that
usually can be put in the freezer and made cold and hard.
Babies love to chew on these, since they help ease the pain and
also help new teeth break through the gums.

Oftentimes, children get slight colds or runny noses during the
teething process. If this happens, or if your child is running
a slight fever, you can wipe the child with a damp washcloth to
make him or her feel better. If the fever persists, make sure
to contact your pediatrician or other health care professional
to see what interventions you might do. For example, you might
be able to give the child a little baby Tylenol or some other
type of pain reliever. This will not only help fever go down,
but it will also help ease the teething pain.

Once your child has a few teeth, you can begin to introduce him
or her to proper oral hygiene. For very, very small babies with
few or no teeth, a warm, clean, wet washcloth rubbed on gums may
be enough to help keep the mouth clean. Of course, always put
your child to bed with only a bottle of water, no milk or juice.

Once your child is a bit older, you'll want to begin to
introduce him or her to brushing teeth. At first, do this
yourself with a soft brush and a little baby tooth paste.
Brushing your child's teeth while he or she is still young will
help him or her get used to the process.

Of course, once your child gets older, around the age of five
or six, the baby teeth will start to fall out and adult teeth
will start to come in. Once this begins to happen, remember to
make it fun and exciting. Of course, children usually like this
process, because the tooth fairy visits and they get a little
spending money for their trouble. Make sure to make the process
even easier by providing soft foods if the child has trouble
chewing after he or she loses the tooth.

With a little luck and some planning, your child's teeth will
take him or her to adulthood healthy and strong. Good oral
hygiene is a must for this, so start early by both practicing
good hygiene and taking the child to the dentist for regular

About the Author: Peyton Hines is both a parent, grandparent
and has coached children athletics for years. He has written
articles on a wide variety of topics. To learn more about
general baby care tips and information visit our site at


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Baby Scrapbooking Ideas: Creating The Perfect Album

Baby Scrapbooking Ideas: Creating The Perfect Album
By Michelle Cardello

Two important baby scrapbook ideas to bear in mind are physical
changes and milestones. First smiles, first roll over and crawl,
first words and gestures are all priceless and need to be
recorded quickly before the infant advances to toddler hood
(which could be a whole other scrapbook and will happen in what
will appear to be the blink of an eye)!

Here are some baby scrapbook ideas, which will help you
organize your material.

1. Begin the baby scrapbook journey during your pregnancy.

Start with photos from baby showers and early ultrasounds.
Include doctor’s visits and the actual delivery day. What was
the weather like? Anything else special happen on that day? (Of
course, there couldn’t be anything more special than baby’s
arrival into the world.) Who was present at the birth? Doctors,
nurses, visitors? Record it for all time in your baby scrapbook.

2. Focus on the first year of life.

Some things should be written down for the sake of posterity,
like weight and length at birth for example. You might also want
to include color of eyes and hair, time of birth, doctor’s name
and how long you were in labor. Other baby scrapbook ideas will
come to you as you progress in your project such as perhaps, the
price of gas, houses and cars at the time of birth and
information on the family tree.

3. Use photos to indicate milestones.

Take photos every day of the first month of life and then once
a month next to a large stuffed animal. Keep a list of events
connected to each month until the baby is a year old. Take
pictures of different looks and moods; happiness, sadness and
don’t forget the most adorable moments of sleeping time. Don’t
be afraid to take too many pictures, as that can never happen in
the endless search for baby scrapbook ideas.

4. The baby scrapbook must reflect emotion.

You want to smile and maybe even cry whenever you look at your
baby scrapbook. The way to insure this is to pick those topics
to write about that cannot help but evoke special feelings even
when viewed years later. Some baby scrapbooking ideas might
include: how the baby got his or her name, what does the name
mean, how often did he or she cry, where did he or she sleep,
did the baby sleep through the night and how did the little one
react around people? Have other close relatives and friends
write their feelings about these events on a special page
designated for this purpose.

5. Decorate your baby scrapbook with items that are

Although this may seem obvious, it’s still a good baby
scrapbooking idea to keep in mind while trying to capture as
many feelings and memories about past happiness. Use stickers
and ribbons. Keep trinkets and mementos, even things like
wrapping paper from special presents. Capture all these moments
of baby’s first year with pictures and journaling. One baby
scrapbooking idea for use of ribbons could involve cutting a
journaling block into strips and then tying a ribbon in a bow to
the left end of the first strip, then the right end of the
second strip etc. Still another effective baby scrapbooking idea
for ribbon might involve scraps, which could be made into bows
and used to cover a spiral binding.

Don’t forget real mementos, such as a clip of hair from baby’s
first haircut and also famous quotes and sayings about babies
and babyhood might be appropriate as headings or captions on the
different pages. The world of literature is your source
material. Try to choose selections that are not so common. It
may take a little research but this is one baby scrapbooking
idea that is sure to pay off at the end.

Your baby will only be an infant for a moment in time. Capture
it for always with a memorable baby scrapbook. Use these baby
scrapbooking ideas, and as you do you will certainly come up
with ideas of your own. But hurry. Time’s a wasting!

About the Author: Michele Cardello, director of marketing for
Life Imprints, a creating scrapbooking supplies company in
Cleveland, Ohio, has worked in the photo packaging industry for
10 years. Cardello helps customers find creative ways to
preserve and appreciate a lifetime of memories.


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Baby Shower Centrepieces - Cunning Beats Creativity

Baby Shower Centrepieces - Cunning Beats Creativity
By Gracie May

So many ideas for baby shower centrepieces can leave you in a
turmoil not knowing what to pick to display on the day.
Centrepieces used for baby showers were traditionally flower
arrangements. Floral pieces on show would come beautifully
arranged in a basket or a crystal holder.

Remember the theme for the baby shower when choosing what
flowers to have for the centrepiece. A good idea is to try
blending in personal items in and around the arrangement. Colour
is another important factor we don't want the table laden with
pastel lemons and whites only to throw in a big red bloom.
Another issue to focus on is selecting the right flowers.

Flowers are one of natures beauty alongside your newborn,
blossoms picked by you for the baby shower will enhance the
occasion with an essence so sweet filling the air.

Personal items for the flower basket centrepiece can include
baby novelties like cuddly toys these can be bears and bunnies
to baby clothes.

Have you considered preparing and making up your own baby
shower centrepiece, if this is out of your league then buy one,
expect to pay approx 35 pounds upwards all depending on the
design and content i.e. whatever goodies you choose to place
inside the basket.

Baby shower centrepieces can come in edible form such as a baby
showers cake. If a diaper cake is your decoration for the middle
of the table then you have to remember these are not for
consumption. Diaper cake is actually made up of diaper/nappies.
It is a fabulous and practical idea for a baby shower

Another tip and cost effective for a centrepiece is to place a
plant on display not only does this do the trick but you get to
keep the plant for a long while after.

Try placing some baby extras around the pot like baby linen,
towels what ever you feel is best suited.

It has been known that fishbowls have been used to decorate the
table at baby showers, floating candles, beads or flower petals
were added to spice up the look.

Liven up the occasion with colour add balloons they are cheap
and ideal for the baby shower party.
Try tying a few brightly coloured bows around cuddly toys. Silk
flowers scattered around a neat tower of baby linen or candles
encompassed by baby soaps and smellies. Do be careful with

Creativity creates a more exciting centre piece I hear, I don't
think so not if you are on a budget.

If you are struggling to meet the cost of a baby shower
centrepiece then cunning it has to be. Here is how it is done
spruce up the table with more colour by adding floating
balloons, action the whole content of the table with so many
different little gifts brightly gift wrapped. And a definite
guarantee to distract eye contact away from the non absent
centrepiece is to place plates of cream filled cakes here and
there; the centrepiece will not even be missed.

About the Author: If this day is to be remembered for as long
as ever after then be sure to browse this fabulous site for
fantastic ideas/themes. All you could possibly want to announce
baby's presence can found here at


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Baby Cot – And Good Parenting

Baby Cot – And Good Parenting
By NamSing Then

Is there any pleasant sight than seeing a just-awakened baby
after a good sound sleep? With the correct choice of the baby
cot and a vigilant eye, can’t we ensure our babies to have a
safe and sound sleep? Of course, yes, why not.

Often when babies are put to sleep, into a cradle or a cot, you
feel relaxed, and try to make optimum use of that time doing
some work or relaxing. In this situation, you should be
extremely careful so that accidents related to baby cots are
avoided. Never let the baby out of your sight.

Choosing a good baby cot

We have the liberty of choosing the baby cots as per our choice
and safety of our baby, since wide ranges of Baby cots are
available nowadays.

·If the baby cot is made of wood/wrought iron and has thin
strips, ensure that the distance between the strips is less than
2 inches. This will avoid the baby’s head being trapped in
between the strips.
·Avoid old and used baby cots; there may be chances of cracks,
or chipping off of the paint coating. This may harm the baby, if
she is teething.
·Check for pointed surfaces or splinters in a baby cot.
·You better look into the height of the baby cot, so that she
doesn’t topple down while standing.
·The mattresses should partly cover the sides of the baby cot,
so that baby’s hand and legs don’t get trapped into the strips
of the baby cot.
·The size of the baby cot should be such that her feet does not
touch the end of the cot and can have enough space for rolling
at least once.

Safety in using a baby cot

By any chance if the baby is made to sleep on the bed, and you
are having a sound sleep, there are chances of the baby rolling
and falling down the bed, and getting injured. An adult bed has
bedspreads, pillows lying around. There are chances of the baby
being suffocated. So it is better to have a perfect baby cot for
our little wonders that bring joy and cheers in our life. The
pleasure in seeing a baby sleep is hardly measurable.

About the Author: NamSing Then is a regular article contributor
on many topics. Be sure to visit his other websites,


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The Hunt For Cool Baby Clothing

The Hunt For Cool Baby Clothing
By Michelle Bery

Let’s face it; there is not much more fun then dressing a baby.
The baby clothing that is on the market today creatively
combines comfort with enormous style; and choosing that special
outfit that reflects our child’s personality and is certain to
draw attention from friends and family, becomes something of a
mission for parents. But we’re in luck; because with new
designers and a variety of really unique lines being introduced
to the market, there is now an abundance of really cool baby
clothing that will keep your baby looking stylish at all times!

Cool baby clothing comes in all sizes – from newborn and up. Of
course, in those early days a newborn baby needs little else
than a couple of onesies, one-piece sleepers, and receiving
blankets. Although, cool baby clothing can be found for those
days you venture out of the house or for those first
professional pictures.

As baby grows so do the choices of cool baby clothing –
everything from handmade t-shirts, designer jeans, stylish hats,
and the tiniest of shoes. You are only limited by your
imagination when hunting for cool baby clothing.

Finding cool baby clothing is as easy as hitting some area
stores. The key is to think out of the box. Instead of heading
to the large retail stores that have much of the same looking
designs, seek out smaller boutique stores instead. You may find
creative and unique lines of baby clothes that are not much more
expensive than those you will find at the local retail store.
And be sure to always check the clearance rack; cool baby
clothing at rock bottom prices can often be found at the end of
a season.

Cool baby clothing can also be found at area children’s
clothing consignment shops. The higher end stores of this
variety accept a variety of gently used baby clothing – much of
it designer – that you can find for a fraction of the normal

Finally, cool baby clothing is all over the Internet. Finding
unique pieces involves some simple research to find those
websites offering clothes that fit your style and budget. Of
course, along with this comes the added convenience of shopping
from home and having your purchases shipped straight to your

Just as you shop for yourself – with style, creativity, and
affordability in mind – so can you shop for your child. Putting
just a little bit of effort into finding unique shopping
locations can yield a variety of cool baby clothing.

About the Author: For easy to understand, in depth information
about baby clothing visit our ezGuide 2


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Baby Furniture - What Do You Really Need?

Baby Furniture - What Do You Really Need?
By Heather Owens

Walking into a baby furniture store can be completely mind
blowing - there's so much stuff! Most of us don't have an
unlimited amount of money to spend, and if you've never had a
baby before, it can be really hard to work out what's really
necessary, useful, or basically a waste of time. If you're
planning to set up a gift register at the store, you want to
make sure the things you put on it are useful and practical.
It's can all be incredibly confusing.

Let's take a look at some of the main items you're going to
find in the baby store, so that you can have some idea of what
baby furniture you really want or need before you even get to
the store. That way you can focus on picking exactly which one
you want, rather than messing about deciding whether you
actually want or need it.

Baby Bassinet or Cradle

A bassinet or cradle is used from birth until around 4 months.
Basically, if the baby can roll from side to side, it's time for
baby to move up into a crib. Make sure the mattress fits snugly
against the sides. You may even find that a padded bumper,
sheets and quilt are included.

The bassinet probably falls somewhere in the middle between
necessary and unnecessary. If you're on a budget, you can
certainly go without one. Having said that, I loved my bassinet
and wouldn't have been without it. It's so convenient to be able
to move baby around. I generally let baby sleep in his own room
during the day, and used a baby monitor, then at night wheeled
baby's bassinet into my room. Mine could be rocked gently to
help baby fall asleep, and because it was up on a stand, it was
easy to life baby in and out - I was recovering from a

So my advice would be - if you can fit a bassinet into your
budget, do it. Perhaps it's an item that a few friends or family
could buy for your baby shower.

Baby Crib or Cot

Some sort of secure bed for baby is definitely required.
Spending a fortune buying one isn't required! You can buy cribs
in a massive range of styles - with a huge range of price tags
to match. Probably the main thing to look for is to make sure
the crib adheres to the required safety standards. Check that
the mattress fits snugly against the sides of the crib. Some
other helpful features are: an adjustable base height, a couple
of release mechanisms (not just one, in case baby learns how to
do it!), lockable wheels, and no stickers that can be peeled off

Crib Mattress

Many cribs include their own mattress, and that's probably the
best option because it should fit the crib snugly. There are two
types of mattress - inner spring/coil or foam. Generally, the
innerspring style of mattress will last much longer, but is
usually a little more expensive. It's worth buying some sort of
waterproof mattress pad, to protect the mattress, but make sure
it doesn't have any plastic on the side the baby will be
sleeping on.

Bedding Accessories

This is an area where you can start to spend some serious
dollars! It's very easy to get carried away with all the cute
and gorgeous designs for baby bedding. Thankfully most cribs and
bassinets use standard sizes, which makes things a little
easier. One good strategy is to buy the necessary basics
yourself, then put all the less necessary accessories on your
baby shower gift register. Apart from the basic sheets, I've
always liked to have a bumper for the top end of baby's bed -
and make sure it ties on in multiple places, so more than one
tie has to break before it can fall down. You should never use a
pillow for baby, and even quilts or comforters aren't
recommended - stick to ordinary blankets. You can also often get
added extras, such as diaper stackers. Personally I've never
found them of much use, but again, some of the extra might make
good baby shower gifts.

Changing Table

If you're really strapped for cash, then you can probably make
do with using your bed as a changing table, but if you can, this
is something I highly recommend. Your back will certainly prefer
it! My changing table was actually more like a set of dresser
drawers, and nowadays, with the changing table part removed,
it's still being used as drawers for my daughter's clothes. So
it pays to think ahead and buy a changing table that's
practical. Also look for safety features, such as guardrails and
perhaps even safety straps. And of course it needs to be well
padded! It's handy to have some sort of shelf where you can put
items you're using, but personally I just put them down one end
of the changing table and changed baby at the other end. Once
baby got bigger, I used the top drawer.

Rocking Chair

This is definitely on the "maybe" list. A lot of women swear by
them, but personally I never had one and it never bothered me in
the slightest. So this is going to come down to personal
preference and your budget. Having said that, you will need a
comfortable chair to sit in, particularly if you're nursing your

Portable Crib

This is one piece of baby furniture that got used a lot in my
household! My son used to come to work with me when he was
little, and I used a portable crib for his naps. It was great
when I went to visit family and friends, because baby was
familiar with it and happy to have a nap when the time came. I
also didn't have to worry about baby rolling off someone's bed.
It meant that we could go on holidays and know that baby had
somewhere safe and familiar to sleep. I used mine so much that I
ended up having to buy a second one when my daughter came along!
It's important, though, to spend some time making sure the
portable crib you choose is well constructed and safe. Make sure
it can't collapse easily, particularly if baby tries to climb
out. Check there are no small spaces where fingers could get
trapped, and a collapsible padded base is very helpful.

High Chair

A high chair rates very close to the essential end of the
scale. The good news is that you don't need one straight away,
so you can put off buying it until quite a few months after baby
is born. Look for an adjustable tray, restraints of some kind
and perhaps even lockable rolling casters. Some models also have
a reclining seat, so you can use it even when baby is still
bottle feeding.

Car Seat

This is definitely essential - apart from ensuring your baby's
safety, you're breaking the law in most places if you don't have
one. Newborns must travel in the back seat of the car, facing
the rear. Once baby is older, usually closer to 1 year old, you
can place baby in a forward facing car seat. When your child is
older again, anywhere from 2 years upwards depending on their
size, you can change over to a booster seat.
The major decision you'll have here is whether to buy separate,
specially designed car seats for baby and then your toddler, or
whether to buy a convertible model. Personally I always had 2
separate car seats, mostly because all the consumer safety
research I'd seen suggested that a specifically designed car
seat was more effective in an accident. Thankfully I never
tested that theory out! Construction and safety levels are
constantly improving, however, so if buying a convertible model
is where your budget is, that's okay too.


This is another baby item where there seems to be too many
choices. First you have to decide which style of stroller you
want, before even looking at individual brands. At some point
you are going to want to transport your baby, so you will need
to buy something. You need to start by having a long, hard think
about what you expect your movements to be with your baby. Do
you plan to take baby jogging with you? Go over rougher terrain
regularly? Or will you probably only put baby in a stroller at
the shops? Do you want a pram that can later be converted into a

Once you have an idea what type of things you'll need to use
your stroller for, a salesperson at the baby store should be
able to guide you in the right direction. You then need to think
about what added features you might like - accessory bars, toy
and activity bars, headrests, adjustable height, rain shields

Choosing the right stroller is probably going to take you a

Baby Monitor

A baby monitor probably isn't necessary, but I always found it
was great for peace of mind. It meant I could be off in another
part of the house doing something, but still be monitoring my
baby's nap. Prices vary a lot, but it's probably better to
choose your monitor based on the features you're going to need,
rather than price. If you're going to move around a lot, make
sure your monitor is portable. Do you want batteries or mains
power? Do you want video monitoring as well?

Bouncer Seat

Again, this isn't necessary, but it's very useful! Babies love
to watch everything that's going on around them, and it's much
easier for them if they're raised slightly from the horizontal.
You can buy all sorts of fancy bouncer seats, with everything
from toy bars to battery operated bouncing. I only ever had a
very basic fabric bouncer, and most of the time the toy bar
wasn't even attached. Both my kids loved them, and the good
thing was that I always knew where they were! Very handy,
particularly when I was cooking dinner. The main thing to
remember is that you should NEVER place a bouncer seat on a
raised surface, they should always be placed on the floor or

About the Author: Discover more about getting ready for baby's
arrival at . The author's book
about babies is available at .
You can sign up for a FREE Baby Tips newsletter at .


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Tips For Buying Baby Gear

Tips For Buying Baby Gear
By Eric Koshinsky

Buying baby gear can be a frustrating experience for new
parents who want to have the best for the baby, yet they still
have to watch their budget. They need to buy baby furniture,
such as a crib or bassinet, a change table and a playpen.
Parents also like to purchase a baby swing and a stroller for
taking the baby for a walk. A cheaper alternative to a stroller
is a baby sling where you can carry the baby comfortably and
still keep him/her nestled close to you.

Other supplies that you need include baby clothes. When you are
buying for the new baby, just remember that although an outfit
may look cute, you have to think about how comfortable the baby
feels in it. Babies grow a lot in the first few months, so it is
really a waste of money to buy a lot of outfits in newborn
sizes. You are better off buying in the 3 - 6 month range at
first. You will find that the baby will quickly outgrow even
these. You also have to look at the material to make sure it
won't shrink after the first wash. Also buying clothes that suit
either a boy or a girl is a good choice, because the chances are
great, the baby will grow out of it long before it is worn out.
Then you can pack it away for the next baby.

You have to decide whether you will start with a rocking
bassinet or a full size crib. There are many bassinets combined
with a playpen so this will save you money. Some bassinets
convert into a change table and most of them are portable,
making them great for travel. A crib is necessary for when the
baby gets older, but for a newborn a bassinet is a good choice
to make.

You also have to look at bottles pacifiers, toys and later on a
high chair. All of these come in many makes and models, but
before you buy make sure that they are rated according to safety

Even with all this, you won't be allowed to take the baby home
from the hospital without a car seat installed in the back seat.
For this you need to look at ones that convert from rear to
forward facing and that you can use a booster seat when the
child gets older.

About the Author: Eric & Lisa Koshinsky make it easy for you to
get clear, unbiased information so you can make informed
purchases of baby gear. Visit today
for info on everything from bassinets to baby strollers


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Finally! You Too Can Monitor Your Baby Heart Beat Right From

Finally! You Too Can Monitor Your Baby Heart Beat Right From
Your Home.
By John Wellington

Nothing is more exciting than the joy of expecting a baby! In
fact many expectant mothers and fathers can’t simply wait to
hear the sound of their child’s heartbeat. Today parents who
can’t wait and parents who want to share the wonderful
experience of listening to the beating sound can buy a baby
heart monitor known as a fetal Doppler.

In short, a fetal Doppler uses sound waves to detect the sound
of the infant’s cardio activity. The sound waves bounce off of
the little baby’s heart and are sent back to the listener. Also
known as high frequency waves, the baby heart monitor sends
these sounds, into a hearing device attached to the machine.
Since the high frequency waves don’t travel very well it is
necessary to use a gel or oil to help things along. After which
the sound conductor is applied directly to the mother’s tummy
and the baby heart monitor is placed over the area and moved
until sound is detected.

The little heartbeat is amplified through an earphone and
speaker built right into the baby heart monitor. On wearing the
earphones one can hear the infant’s beats and enjoy every
precious moment, at least until someone else wants a turn.

The baby heart monitor is very safe to use, it has been tested
and released by the United States governmental agencies that are
responsible for such regulations. There has been no negative
affects found in over thirty years of its use. The baby heart
monitor is the same technology used in hospitals day after day
on thousands and thousands of patients. While some may argue
that there are wonderful benefits for using the device others
think that too many sound waves may not be good for the
developing fetus. The Food and Drug Administration recommends
that you talk to your doctor and get permission before using a
home baby heart monitor. This is always good practice.

While the baby heart monitor can be quite a costly investment
for such a short-term item a lot of parents choose to rent one.
This option of renting a baby heart monitor is much cheap and
the parents can always change their minds and purchase the unit
if they later want one. The renting option is an appealing
feature offered by the manufacturers and the option to purchase
the item gives parents even more incentive to try the product.
After all, majority of families have a baby in their future
plans, no matter if it is immediate or extended. A baby heart
monitor is always a wonderful item to have!

About the Author: John Wellington provides readers with
up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for, as well as other related


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Special Care Of The Premature Baby

Special Care Of The Premature Baby
By Connie Limon

Babies born prematurely may require special care during their
first 2 years of life. This is especially true if the baby
weighed 3 pounds or less at birth.

Premature Baby’s Growth and Development

Take your baby to your doctor’s office soon after the baby
leaves the hospital. The doctor will check the baby’s weight
gain and inquire of how the baby is doing at home.

Discuss with your doctor about feeding the premature baby. He
may recommend vitamins, iron and special formula if the baby is
bottle-fed. Doctors give vitamins to premature babies to help
them grow and stay healthy. The doctor may also prescribe extra
iron for a premature baby for at least four months. At four
months of age a premature baby will have about the same amount
of iron as a full-term baby, however, your doctor may still have
a premature baby take iron drops for a year or more.

Premature babies are usually smaller than full-term babies for
the first 2 years of life. They usually catch up after a while.

Keep a record of your premature baby’s development. Your
doctor will need to know how active the baby is, when your baby
sits up for the first time and crawls for the first time for

Premature Baby’s Immunization Schedule

Immunization or “shots” are given to premature babies at the
same ages they are given to full-term babies. Some doctors may
recommend a flu shot for a premature baby when he or she is 6
months of age. There is a chance that premature babies will
become sicker with the flu more often than full-term babies. He
may also recommend the entire family taking flu shots to help
protect the premature baby in the home.

Premature Baby’s Feeding Schedule

Right after birth, premature babies need 8 to 10 feedings per
day. Do not wait longer than 4 hours between. Premature babies
are very susceptible to dehydration. Waiting longer than 4
hours between feedings may cause a premature baby to become
dehydrated. A good rule of thumb is if your premature baby is
wetting 6 to 8 diapers per day then he or she is getting enough
breast milk or formula. Spitting up is often a common problem
of premature babies after feedings. Be sure to talk to your
doctor if your premature baby spits up a lot. He or she may not
gain enough weight if this occurs.

Solid Food for Premature Babies

Four to six months after the baby’s original due date (not the
birth date) is usually the time doctors advise putting a
premature baby on solid food. Putting premature babies on solid
foods before this time could create a choking hazard. Premature
babies need more time to develop their swallowing abilities. If
the premature baby has medical problems, the doctor may
prescribe a special diet.

Premature Babies Sleep Time

Premature babies usually sleep more hours each day than a
full-term baby; however, they sleep for shorter periods of time
and wake up more often. Put your premature baby to bed on its
back, never on its stomach. Use firm mattresses and pillows.
Sleeping on the stomach or on soft mattresses and pillows has
been known to increase baby’s risk of sudden infant death
syndrome (this is for full-term babies as well as the premature

Common vision and hearing problems in premature babies include:

• Crossed eyes (or strabismus) are a problem that often goes
away on its own as your baby grows up. You may be advised to
see an eye doctor if your premature baby has crossed eyes.
• Retinopathy of prematurity usually occurs in babies born very
early, at 32 weeks of pregnancy or earlier
• Hearing problems are more common in premature babies than in
full-term babies. If you notice your premature baby does not
hear well, discuss this with your doctor for further evaluations
of premature baby’s hearing. Check your premature baby’s
hearing by making noises behind or to the side of the baby. If
your premature baby does not turn his or her head, or jump at a
loud noise, tell your doctor.

Traveling with your premature baby in cars poses extra
problems. Review the following information to help you
transport your premature baby in a car safely:

• Select a car safety seat that fits your premature baby
• Do not use a car safety seat with a shield or tray
• Place rolled receiving blankets on both sides of your
premature baby to center him or her in the car safety seat.
• Place a rolled diaper or washcloth between your premature
baby’s diaper area and the crotch strap to keep your baby from
slipping down.
• Do not place the rolled diaper or receiving blankets behind
or under the baby.
• Your premature baby may need to use a car bed that meets
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to allow babies to travel
while lying down if he or she has any of the following while in
a car safety seat:
1. A decrease in oxygen levels
2. Slow heart rate
3. Apnea (breathing stops for a moment or two)

Other reasons babies may need a car bed rather than a car seat

• Problems with breathing when sitting upright or semi-reclined

• Decreased muscle control
• Bones that break easy
• Recent spine surgery
• Baby is wearing a cast

At this time car beds are designed for babies and not larger
children. They vary in design. All car beds must be installed
lengthwise with the baby’s head toward the center of the car.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health
care professional.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved

About the Author: Written by: Connie Limon Visit us at for an extensive list of
articles and resources all about baby health and taking care of
babies. Visit us at Camelot Articles


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How To Choose A Good Baby Play Mat

How To Choose A Good Baby Play Mat
By Mads Petterson

There are hundreds of different baby play mats available, so
you shouldn't be ashamed of your confusion when you try to find
a good one. Here are some good tips for choosing the right baby
play mat for your child.

You have to make sure that the play mat is safe, so your baby
doesn't hurt herself when she lie on it. The blanket have to be
thick enough, the arches must be well secured and you must make
sure nothing can get loose and be swallowed.

You should also consider if your baby would enjoy lying on the
play mat. Most babies are happy if the play mat is colorful and
has some bars or arches that she can look at while she is lying
on her back. Baby play mats without bars and arches should be
avoided, since there will be nothing to look at for your baby
unless she lies on her stomach.

It's good if the play mat has some hanging toys that your baby
can touch. It's helps development her hand-eye coordination and
also make it more fun to lie there. It's especially good if the
toys can be detached and given to your baby to play with.

When you look at the blanket and the hanging toys, you should
check if there are any built-in sounds or music. Babies love it
when their toys make some kind of sounds and it also stimulates
their development. You can for example find baby play mats that
play several minutes of Mozart when your baby touches somewhere
on her play mat.

Finally, you may want to check if the play mat fits inside your
baby's playpen. You should also look at a bumper, so you baby
doesn't hurt herself if you put her play mat inside a playpen.

About the Author: Mads Petersson has a where he give advice, answer
questions and review exciting baby play mats and other baby
things. His website is written from one parent to another, so
it's a the place to go for some good advice about baby things.


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Organic And Eco Babies

Organic And Eco Babies
By Davinos Greeno

When babies are born they are unable to make decisions for
themselves and the young lives in our care deserve the best that
we can provide and it is our responsibility to ensure that we
give them a natural and healthy environment to grow in. The
author looks at things that can make all the difference to an
eco baby and eco family.

Organic and Fairtrade Baby Food

Organic baby food has been around for decades and fairtrade
baby food has only recently been launched. Why feed your baby
with chemicals, additives and possibly genetically modified
ingredients when you can feed them fresh, organic and healthier
food? By buying fairtrade it also enables you to put something
back into local communities where the ingredients originated
from, so that they can look after their families better due to
being paid a fair price for their food and hence they are able
to reinvest the funds into their community and families.

Organic and Eco Friendly Baby Care

Babies have extremely sensitive skin that requires a mild and
gentle touch - which is why it makes sense to treat them with
products made from the purest ingredients. The skin is the
largest part of the babies body and is often prone to sores and
nappy rash in the early days. Minimise the amount of chemicals
coming into contact with the babies skin by buying organic or
natural baby care products.

Organic and Fairtrade Baby Clothing

A babys skin is thinner than that of an adult, so make sure the
clothes against their bodies are free from harmful pesticides
and chemicals by buying clothing which are made from organic or
hemp fibres which are made with the minimum or no chemicals in
the production and processing. By buying Fairtrade or ethical
baby clothes from companies such as HUG ensures that other
babies in developing countries may benefit as well from the
clothes that you buy. Cheap, brand new clothes from supermarkets
etc. are often made in China in low cost production facilities
where workers are paid the minimum wage and where the term
sweatshops originated from. Buying second hand or using donated
clothes is the ultimate form of recycling and is cheaper too at
this expensive time of life.

Environmentally Friendly Cloth Nappies

Cloth nappies can be washed and reused hundreds of times.
Millions of disposable nappies are used throughout your country
and you can imagine what size of landfill is needed to bury them
all! Cloth nappies can reduce nappy rash and have no suspect
chemicals. By washing them with your normal clothes, you again
minimise your babies impact on the environment.

Breast feeding

Breast milk is very economical, constantly available at the
right temperature and if your diet is organic then so is your
milk which is therefore better for your baby. If you have to buy
formula be wary of buying Nestle as an International Nestle
Boycott is in effect in 20 countries. The boycott will continue
until Nestle ends its irresponsible marketing of breast milk
substitutes world-wide and abides by the International Code of
Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and subsequent Resolutions
in policy and practice.

About the Author: Davinos Greeno works with the Organic
directory and the Ethical Directory He also promotes eco friendly Jobs and
Employers at


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Selecting Safe And Stylish Newborn And Infant Baby Clothing

Selecting Safe And Stylish Newborn And Infant Baby Clothing
By Claire Calkin

With such a vast selection of baby clothes available today,
parents need to select infant clothes that are comfortable,
durable and safe for their children to wear. Walk into any
newborn clothes store and you will be offered numerous options.
But how do you know these infant clothing will suit your baby
with regards to skin allergies, comfort, diaper changes, safety,
practicality and looking good. Follow our tips to find right
newborn clothing for your child so you can be sure that you get
the quality you pay for. With that in mind, you are likely to
find luxury baby clothes of higher quality from designer baby
clothes rather than a discount newborn clothing store. This
isn’t to say that you can’t find quality newborn clothing at a
discount store. Many points should be considered when a parent
is shopping for infant clothing.

Ensure that all the infant clothes are comfortable for you baby
by selecting newborn clothing that features wide leg, arm and
head openings. Baby clothes should not be too tight or small for
a child. Buy a size up to ensure a good fit. All sleepwear is to
be flame retardant and should be safe with no strings or buttons
that may be hazardous. All newborn clothes should be easy to
change in and out of. Crotch snaps make diaper changing fast and
easy. Select baby clothes with a button up front to ease stress
on the baby from having clothes pulled over their head. Onesies
are very practical clothing for babies to wear. These are a
one-piece suit from feet to neck and usually feature snap
crotches. Avoid clothes with decorations or small buttons, as
this can be a choking hazard. Overalls are not a good idea
unless they feature snap crotches.

When selecting luxury baby clothes, check what fabric the
clothes are made of to ensure the baby clothing is comfortable,
flame retardant (when required), warm and won’t react with your
child’s sensitive skin. Several baby clothes retailers are
bringing out newborn clothes that are made from organic fabrics
that are free from bleaches, pesticides, heavy dyes and feature
flame-retardant qualities. This fabric is light and allows skin
ventilation to keep the skin at an even body temperature while
absorbing body moisture. Merino wool is another natural fabric
that can feature no added synthetics or unnatural colours. It is
an ideal fabric for newborns and is unlike regular wool. This
wool is made with a natural method that doesn’t prepare the wool
through a chemical process like drenching or scouring. Unlike
newborn clothes made from synthetic fibres that may cause
overheating, merino wool is an insulating fibre that will keep
the body at a constant temperature. Baby clothing with a high
absorbency level will keep your baby feeling fresh and dry.

A few terms that may feature on baby clothing include Lycra,
polyester, cotton flannel, velour, faux fur, swan’s down,
Jacquard knit, cotton knit, brushed cotton and interlock knit.
Lycra is a synthetic fibre that is made from polymer that
contains polyurethane that means it is a very stretchy fabric.
Polyester is made with synthetic resins and is known for it’s
strong, light and weather resistant qualities. Brush cotton is a
fabric that has been brushed to remove lint and other excess
fibres to leave the cotton soft and smooth. Jacquard knit is a
pattern knit placed into the fabric while going through the
manufacturing process. Velour is a felt fabric very much like
velvet. Cotton flannel is a name for cotton that is twilled,
heavy and features a long plush nap. Also known as Canton
flannel or Swan’s down. Faux fur is a fabric that is made to
look and feel like animal fur. Interlock knit is a fabric with
lots of stretch due to heavily intertwined cotton that will
return to the original shape after washing.

About the Author: Claire Calkin operates several websites
covering clothing related topics.


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Decorating For Baby Showers

Decorating For Baby Showers
By Mr.Andrew Caxton

Decorating a room in a permanent fashion is one thing, but how
to decorate a room that is only going to be used once - for
example for a birthday or baby shower?

The baby shower is a relatively recent phenomenon in Western
culture. It started after World War II, along with the Baby
Boom, because many parents needed help in affording to buy
everything they needed to take care of their new child.

Now, fifty years later, the Baby Shower tradition continues to
grow and evolve. However, the main thing that must happen at any
Shower is that your guests enjoy themselves. This is achieved by
holding the shower in an attractive environment - whether it be
at a private home or in a restaurant or other meeting place -
and making sure there are plenty of activities to keep the
guests busy.

In this article we will concentrate on decorating for the Baby

The first thing to do before acquiring any decorations is to
decide what kind of baby shower it's going to be. Elegant,
casual, whimsical? Based on a theme? Host and expectant mother
must get together to decide those details. The budget must be
decided upon. Number of guests. The location of the shower.

If the baby shower is going to be held at a restaurant or
private club, make sure you consult with the appropriate people
as to what kind of decorations you can and can't use. Don't
purchase any decorations until you know where the shower is
going to be held, and what is to be allowed there.

If the shower is held at a place other than one you know well,
make sure you visit it well ahead of time so that you can get an
idea of the dimensions of the room where the shower will be
held, the ease of access, toilet facilities, etc.

There is no need to go overboard on the decorations. A few
tasteful items to highlight the event will serve much better
than a jumble of pieces that in all likelihood will go unnoticed
by the guests.

Make it easy to find the Baby Shower! If its in a restaurant,
make sure the maitre' d or manager knows where the event is
being held. If they allow signs in the lobby, put one there.
Otherwise, a balloon bouquet with ribbons floating above the
appropriate tables is a great way to mark out the territory -
but make sure the restaurant allows you to do this.

If it's being held in a home, a sign outside - usually that of
a stork! will do the trick.

Wall Decorations
Balloons are always a staple of baby shower decorations. Paper
streamers or banners are also much used.

Paper Goods
Although it's possible to purchase theme-decorated paper goods,
all that's really needed is to ensure that the plates, cups,
napkins and eating utensils are color-coordinated. A table
cloth always adds a touch of cloth.
Table centerpieces can consist of fresh flower arrangements or
arrangements of candles. Using placecards is optional... those
friends seated far away from the expectant mother on purpose,
might feel a bit hurt! Better to let them arrange these things
amongst themselves.

Start your decorating of the room with several hours to spare
to ensure you have time to rush out for any last minute items.
Balloons filled with helium should be purchased on the day of
the shower to ensure that they are fresh and ready to go.

About the Author: Andrew Caxton enjoys writing about home ideas
for . For additional
information on home ideas have a look at his web


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Fun And Creative Baby Shower Ideas

Fun And Creative Baby Shower Ideas
By Nicole Munoz

Planning a baby shower can be a lot of fun, but it can also be
difficult to find just the right decorations, games, and
refreshments for your shower. Choosing a theme to plan your
baby shower around is a good way to bring all the aspects of a
baby shower together in a uniform way. Baby shower themes can
be as simple or as detailed as you like, just keep in mind the
likes and dislikes of the expectant parents you are planning for
and be creative.

A simple, tried and true baby shower theme is baby bottles.
Baby bottle shaped shower invitations are easy to locate and
many bakeries offer bottle shaped cakes. Play some fun games
that involve baby bottles, like dropping clothespins into the
bottle or tossing coins into one, and use small bottles without
the nipple for drinking glasses during the shower. Remember to
wash out the bottles for the new mom to take home. Decorated
baby bottles filled with candy or bath beads make wonderful
shower favors for guests at an all girl shower.

You could also plan your baby shower around the new arrival’s
nursery theme. Choose invitations that match the theme, like
teddy bears or Noah’s Ark, and note that it is a “nursery
shower”. Encourage your guests to bring gifts for the nursery,
like changing and grooming supplies, storage solutions,
blankets, and other items that match the theme. Decorations can
also reflect the nursery theme and you can even have the cake
decorated the same way.

Traditional rules for baby shower planning are often
disregarded for more exciting ideas and themes that better fit
our fast-paced society. Instead of a traditional afternoon baby
shower, plan a baby shower brunch around 10:00 on a Saturday
morning. You may choose to combine your brunch shower with
traditional baby shower gifts and activities or throw a spa
style brunch shower for experienced mothers-to-be who already
have their baby gear. A baby shower brunch can be an elegant
way to celebrate your friend’s new arrival. Serve pastries,
quiche, and fresh fruit or a simple breakfast casserole and keep
the decorations simple.

Try a coed pregnant baby shower for a memorable shower no one
will forget. Invite your guests to come to the shower pregnant,
with pillows or blankets stuffed into their shirts. Use a
simple baby theme and decorate accordingly, serve traditional
refreshments, and play some traditional shower games with the
pregnant guest of honor. Remember to take lots of pictures and
make copies for the expecting mom.

Another theme that creates lasting memories and is perfect for
a coed baby shower is “A Star is Born”. Serve a star shaped
cake featuring baby’s name if it has been chosen and decorate
with an awards show flair. The 4 tier Baby Cake “A Star is
Born” Diapercake makes a perfect centerpiece for this baby
shower theme and is a useful gift for the guest of honor. This
theme also works well for baby showers thrown after the new
baby’s arrival and can feature lots of pictures of the new star.

About the Author: For more tips and information about Baby
Einstein Discovery Card Gift Set,check out http:


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How Can I Help My Baby Stop Crying?

How Can I Help My Baby Stop Crying?
By Tina Allen

Do you ever wonder what makes a baby cry?

As crying is one of the few ways babies have of communicating
their needs to us, they cry about almost anything. They have a
special cry when they are hungry, feel pain, have anxiety and
are over stimulated. Even when they have gas, are exhausted,
scared or frustrated, babies fuss and cry. It must be
frustrating and stressful when they are doing their best to
communicate to us and we don’t understand.

Stressful not just for babies but also for parents, who by
nature want to respond with action. But, how can we respond

To begin, feed your baby on demand, yes on demand. When you’re
hungry, how do you feel? Would eating change your mood? Then
feed your baby when they are hungry. Feeding on demand does not
create spoiled children. Of course don’t automatically assume
that your baby’s cries indicate that he is hungry. Just give the
baby your breast and see what happens.

If he still cries, check his diaper and if that’s not it, then
try some of the following:

Speak Gently: Try speaking softly and gently or even better,
try singing. Your baby knows your voice very well and will
recognize the tone and respond to it. Even if you are a little
off tune, baby won’t mind. Research has shown that babies like
the sounds of female voices but that does not mean dad can’t
give this a try too!

Relaxing Strokes: Sometimes babies cry because they just want
to be comforted. Maybe they’ve woken up abruptly or something
frightened them. A nurturing stroke can make a world of
difference. Try holding baby and gently stroking his back.

Make a Move: That’s right, try moving around. Babies love
motion as it reminds them of being in utero. But what kind of
movement? You might try walking, rocking, jiggling or swaying.

Swaddling: If you are not sure how to swaddle, ask your
pediatrician, a nurse or experienced mother how to swaddle the
baby. For many infants, being wrapped tightly in a blanket makes
them feel safe and secure.

“Shushing” Sounds: Many babies are soothed by white noise. Some
things to try: a humidifier, fan, vacuum and clothes dryer. It
is important to be sure the “shushing” sounds are as loud as
your baby’s crying.

Fresh Air: Try going outdoors. For many babies just being
outside in the fresh air can soothe. Maybe it’s the sounds of
the birds, the wind or the sun, whatever it is, many babies will
calm by being outdoors. Maybe this will even calm you, too.

Have a Break: For moms, if you’ve been trying and trying to
soothe your baby to no avail, give dad, your partner, grandma or
even a trusted friend a try. They may have their own unique way
of helping baby to calm and quiet.

About the Author: With over a decade of service to families,
Tina Allen has become an internationally respected parent
educator and expert in infant/children's massage therapy. Her
innovative approach to children's health has allowed her the
unique opportunity to educate families and professionals
throughout the world in nurturing touch.


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Baby Boomers Define 'Me' Generation

Baby Boomers Define 'Me' Generation
By Raymond Lee

Prior to the second world war, there was a reluctance to have
children. The Great Depression took a toll on family finances
and frankly, most adults were reluctant to bring new children
into the world in those circumstances. The end of World War II
changed the outlook and beginning in 1946, there was a true boom
in births.

There may be some disagreement over the exact years of the Baby
Boom, but most agree on the years between 1946 and 1964 as the
criteria for being called a “Boomer.” If the Vietnam War was a
defining period in this generation, then the boom could end in
1955 as those born after that year would not have been old
enough to be drafted and serve in the battle.

Regardless of the time frame, those born during the Baby Boomer
years have seen and participated in many changes. Among them,
their desire to do things their way. It is not your father’s
retirement age that is rapidly zeroing in on the largest segment
of the world’s population. Many of today’s baby boomers want
little to do with the idea of retiring into oblivion. They want
to continue to effect changes, as they did their entire working

From the war protests of the 1960’s and the music migration of
the 1950’s, this group experimented and experienced many things
in their lives and if they didn’t understand many of the views,
they simply created new views. They are not a generation to take
things lying down.

Today’s medical research may be a key role in their attitudes.
With today’s medical technology, boomers are living longer and
they are not willing to simply accept aging as a natural part of
growing older. They want their golden years to represent more
than the number of candles on their birthday cake. They want to
be able to walk to the table and blow them out without any help
from the grandkids.

The baby boomer generation is sometimes referred to as the
sandwich generation. Taking care of elderly parents while still
having their own children in the nest, sandwiched between the
two age groups.

They understand what it takes to remain healthy. Not merely
going for botox treatments or nip and tuck surgery. They want to
feel good from the inside while looking good from the outside.
Staying healthy has them looking for supplements that can
replace many of the natural products that age may be slow to

They represent a self-defining generation, the first group
raised on television allowing boomers from different geographic
locations to watch the same programs at the same time. The
watched the British invasion of music on the same programs and
organized groups against the war. They are also reluctant to
discuss death and dying and do not always believe this to be a
reality of life.

One of the key contributions of the baby boomer generation is
the desire for individual freedoms. Boomers want the freedom to
choose how they will live, where they will live and for how long
they will live. They take their choices seriously and continue
to find new ways to live healthier and happier.

About the Author: Raymond Lee is a freelance writer and a
member of the Baby Boomer generation. He researches and writes
about the wants, desires and troubles of the largest group of
citizens at


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A Baby Gift Basket Can Be A Perfect Present

A Baby Gift Basket Can Be A Perfect Present
By Christopher M. Luck

When a close friend or relative is having a baby, there are
always presents and baby shower gifts to think about getting.
The new mother is going to have an intense period of adjustment
before she gets settled into the routine of having another human
being to look after, so she will need all the help possible from
family and friends to make that transition as easy and memorable
as possible. This should be a celebratory time for the new
family, not a time of worry or stress, and a gift basket to
commemorate the new addition can be just the thing to brighten
their spirits even more, and maybe even supply them with some
things that will end up coming in handy.

A baby gift basket can be one of the easiest way for you as the
gift giver to be creative, and show the person your giving it to
just how much you care about them. Instead of one big gift, you
get to give out a plethora of trinkets, toys, and other fun
items, wrapped together in a beautiful package which, in itself,
can be a gorgeous thing to receive. A popular thing to do when
buying a gift basket is to let the company who makes it fashion
the wicker basket as a bassinet, within which are all the things
you want to bestow upon the new child, making your gift all the
more thoughtful and appropriate. Better yet, there are so many
companies out there that are experts at making these sorts of
things, so even if you’re not exactly Martha Stewart yourself,
you can let an anonymous craftsperson make it seem like you
should have your own cable show.

Within the gift basket, you’ll want to include the basics,
those simple bare necessities. This means, teddy bears and or
dolls are a given, as any parent will know a young child can
never have enough teddy bears. If you want to be gender
specific, you can go for the standard pink or blue color
palettes to appease notions of femininity and masculinity, but
many people nowadays are shying away from such black and white
notions of sex, so your best bet is probably to stay as neutral
as possible. This also means that you can go nuts and include
just about anything in the toy department that you want to give
the new baby. No longer do Tonka trucks mean ‘it’s a boy’ nor do
Raggedy Ann dolls indicate the infant is a girl, so take
advantage of this freedom in creating a truly unique and baby
gift basket. Baby oil or baby wipes can be the new parent’s
dream as well, since they’ll surely be running through plenty of
both, so don’t be afraid to include the practical as well as the

In addition to the variety of contents you can include in your
basket, you also have the luxury of having a wide range of
prices and sizes to choose from, as crafting gift baskets for
babies is a burgeoning market right now baby. Obviously, if the
expecting mother is only a co-worker or a casual acquaintance,
you don’t want to present them with an elaborately fashioned and
ornately packaged baby gift basket, as you’d probably be
shelling out more money than you really want to spend. A nice,
small gift basket can say everything you want to say, and do it
in a classy, memorable way, without costing you the proverbial
arm and leg.

About the Author: I have an extensive background of dealing
with baby gift baskets and am now offering my free professional
baby gift basket advice to the public.


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Preparing A Layette For Your New Baby

Preparing A Layette For Your New Baby
By Roy Thomsitt

First of all, in case you do not know, what is a layette? Well,
the definition of layette is quite simple: a kit consisting of a
complete outfit (clothing and accessories) for a new baby.

Whether your new baby is going to be your first or fifth,
taking that baby back home from hospital requires a lot of
preparation. It is far better to have the essentials ready to
make for a smooth return home with your new arrival. The last
thing you will want to do in those first few days after the baby
arrives is to run around buying any little necessities that you
forgot. You will undoubtedly feel much more at easy, and able to
concentrate on the baby, if you have everything prepared well in

If you can get everything you need for the layette, whether
bought new or second hand, or even borrowed, then you can feel
relaxed about being able to deal with the initial practicalities
of taking the baby home.

While it is nice to have everything brand new for your baby, it
is worth thinking long and hard about whether that is at all
necessary, or even desirable. One thing is certain, babies get
to be very expensive, and they grow into even more expensive
children and teenagers later on. Unless you are financially
super secure long into the future, you may appreciate in the
long run saving as much as you can in the early days.

Baby clothes especially are very expensive new, when you
consider their tiny size. Whatever item you buy, your baby will
soon out grow it, so new does not necessarily mean good value.
Quite the opposite, in fact.

Remember, you are buying things for your baby, and your baby
cares not one iota if the clothes you adorn them with are new,
second hand or fourth hand. The baby will grow quickly, and the
clothes may get soiled quickly if you are unlicky. All the baby
needs is your love and care, plus comfort for sleeping and
resting. It is all about security and love in the early stages.
Your baby is not a fashion model.

Of course, you want the baby to look nice in what they wear,
and they will pretty soon become conscious of their clothes. But
if you are buying on a budget, there are plenty of low cost
sources for all baby's needs. And they can look just as cute in
second hand clothes as something brand new.

In practice, most people will go for a mix of new, quality
seconds, and second hand clothes for their baby. You will, for
sure, know the prices of the new clothes in the local stores. If
you buy some second hand, the savings will soon mount up. To
give yourself an incentive, why not set aside those savings into
a bank account for the baby? You'll appreciate that later on,
and so will the baby when they see the little nest egg growing
as they get older.

Here are a few tips about buying for your baby layette:

Shopping For Your Layette In Quality Seconds Stores

As with adult clothing, baby clothes manufacturers sometimes
have manufacturing errors. Usually, the missed stitch or
not-quite-perfect seam is not anything that will affect wear,
especially in the short time the clothing item will fit your
baby. You could save as much as 70% off department store prices
if you buy baby layette items at your local discount and seconds
stores. Your new baby won't know, nor will she care.

Buy Layette Items In Charity Or Other Second Hand Stores

Newborn baby layette items are nearly always hardly used. Most
babies just do not wear them long enough to do much damage. A
visit to local charity stores, such as a Salvation Army thrift
store, may enable you to buy a whole load of layette items that
still look good, all for a few dollars.

Buy New Born Baby Clothes A Size Up

Many newborn babies hardly spend a month in the 0-3 month
sizes. What you can do is save the smallest size for special
occasions, as a good fit obviously looks smarter. Such occasions
could be coming home from the hospital, the first visit to or
from grandparents etc. Otherwise jump right to the 3-6 month
size for any fitted clothing. For the same reason, stick to
comfortable, stretchy cotton and terry knit materials for one
piece sleepers. They should fit your baby fit much longer.

Easy Access Night Gowns

Drawstring bottom night gowns are just about the most
convenient single item for your new baby at home. When baby
needs her diaper changing, you can just pull up, change her, and
then pull back down again. Do not be distracted by the reference
to "night"; when your baby comes home, whether it's dark or
light outside, it will always be night as far as she's
concerned. She will be sleeping, lying their waking up, or
falling asleep, just about 24 hours a day. The distractions will
be for feeding and changing. In the middle of the real night,
you will appreciate being able to change her with ease, rather
than fiddling, in your half asleep state, with lots of poppers,
zips and layers of clothing.

Multi Purpose Cotton Diapers

If you decide to use disposable diapers, do not rule out the
purchase of some 100% cotton diapers as well, even if it's only
one pack. They really are great to have around when you have a
new baby, and even when baby becomes a young child. They are
very useful as burp rags, laid over your shoulder or lap, as you
burp the baby. But you will also find yourself using them for
other things, such as wiping away dribbles, or worse. Rarely, a
baby will even adopt one for comfort to suck at night. However,
I am sure my 24 year old son would not want me to go further
into that matter!

Wash Fabric Layette Items Before Baby Is Born

It is worthwhile using a very mild laundry soap, such as Dreft
or Ivory Snow, to wash away any remnants of dyes, chemicals or
starches. Babies have notoriously delicate skin, and allergic
reaction can be a real problem. Bleaching used items is fine,
but you must give a thorough rinsing before baby comes into
contact. That’s it! I’m sure you’ll think of other things too,
but that’s just a few ideas for your baby layette as the big day

About the Author: Roy Thomsitt is owner and author of


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The Top Sites To Find Baby Clothes

The Top Sites To Find Baby Clothes
By Jon Kelly

People love buying baby clothes because they look so pretty and
small. This can often distract people from the price, so it is
of primary importance to realise, if you desire quality and
affordability it is worth shopping around to get good value for
your baby clothes. The internet is an obvious first choice.

The Leading Sellers of Baby Clothes

There are innumerable different baby clothes companies, shops
and retailers that are after your business but even with all
this confusion there are a couple of them that stand out from
the rest. One is The Kid's Window, an organisation that is seen
by many as being among the top online stores for both baby
clothes and children's goods.

They started in business in 2000, and since then they have
managed to source many marvellous products, at reasonable rates.
There range of items now runs to many thousands, with many of
them being baby clothes and children's accessories.

Because they are on the internet this offers the added bonus of
being able to shop in your own time in your own house. Also they
ship to places all around the world.

Babies R' Us is another terrific alternative for baby clothes,
and whilst they're a little more costly than some competition,
the quality and diversity that you're offered is genuinely
amazing. It is without a question among the best sellers of baby
clothes and toys worldwide, they have over than 1,500 separate
toy and baby specialist shops worldwide.

Things To Consider Before You Purchase Baby clothes

Irrespective of which specific shop you're focused on buying
your baby clothes from. Bear in mind there are a couple of
points that you'll to want to entertain first. Firstly, it is
worth considering comfort and functionality, for yourself and
your baby. Whilst some baby clothes can be endearing, when there
are too many buttons or clips then this can cause endless
frustration and annoyance when trying to put them on or get them

It is worth remembering how often the baby will be changed
during the day; this especially applies to babies in their first
few months. With this in mind it is obvious you will want
clothes that are really easy to take off and put on while
changing nappies so often.

Climate is always a consideration when buying baby clothes. If
it is hot it will be important to choose fabrics that breathe
and are not going to stick also make sure they are loose
fitting. If you live in colder climes you need to get clothes
that can easily be layered, as this is seen as the most
effective way of staying warm and not bulking out your clothes.
So it is important to be aware that most babies are very
sensitive to the heat and cold. So it is critical that one keeps
an eye out to make sure your baby doesn't suffer from heat
stroke or rashes in hot climates and conversely in the cold
don't freeze.

About the Author: Jon Kelly is a published author who writes on
many diverse subjects. Often specializing in articles about
children. His expertise especially surrounding baby supplies can
be seen at great baby supplies. To find out more please visit


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Baby Doll Lingerie Emphasises And Supports Your Bust As Well As

Baby Doll Lingerie Emphasises And Supports Your Bust As Well AsShowing Off Your RearBy Kalwant Rana
A Baby doll is a short night gown consisting of a robe or loosetop and matching bottoms. This lingerie is often trimmed withlace, ruffles, fur, bows and ribbons. Sometimes you can alsofind spaghetti straps.
The top is normally loose fitting and is usually just below thebust line and is short, ending at or just below your rear. Babydoll sets are available in a wide variety of fabrics from silk,satin to sheer lace.
A baby doll nightie with will provide support for your breastswhile letting you flaunt what you got below. Baby doll lingerieis flattering and feminine and puts emphasise on the bust andtakes the attention off your waist.
Baby Doll Lingerie In Pinstripe And Lace
This type of baby doll lingerie has stretch lace and microfiber stripe and adjustable straps. This set includes matchingthongs and costs around £22.47.
Baby Doll Lingerie In Chantilly Lace
This baby doll piece and thong are made from Chantilly lace.This has a lace up front and black floral lace with spaghettistraps and costs around £19.66. A really sexy piece!
Satin Baby Doll Item And Thong Panty
This item is made from stretch satin and comes with a side slithem. It also has spaghetti straps and black lace trimmings. Athong panty is also available with this set and costs around£19.00.
BabyDoll in Lace Fishnet
This is an attractive baby doll piece with lace and fishnet.This baby doll dress has a ribbon lace up in front and costsaround £13.00.
Baby Doll Dress With A G-String In Sheer Chiffon
This type of baby doll dress is made from sheer chiffon, withfloral embroidered accents. It also has a sheer gathered front.This has adjustable straps and matching G-strings and costsaround £21.00.
Blush Baby Doll Lingerie Pieces
This is a sheer baby doll piece which has a front ribbonfastening. The lace top fishnet holdups provide added beauty tothis baby doll dress and costs around £35.
Baby doll lingerie items come in various styles and fantasticcolours. You will be sure to have a fantastic time with thispiece of sexy lingerie.
About the Author: Kalwant Rana is A Freelance Writer For You Can Find Lots OfUseful Information And Reviews About All Kinds Of Plus SizeLingerie From Simple Bras To Sexy Costumes.
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When To Start Teaching Your Baby (1)

When To Start Teaching Your Baby (1)By Roy Thomsitt
When is it that I should start teaching my baby? That is aquestion that may come to mind for many first time parents;other parents may never consider the question at all, and justleave things to evolve naturally.
In a way, that is an unnecessary question as, whether you likeit or not and whether you mean to or not, you begin teachingyour baby while it is still in the womb, and then continuethrough its early years, teenage years, and even into adulthood.So, perhaps it is better to rephrase that question slightly to"when should I consciously start teaching my baby?"
Even with the rephrased question, the answer is the same: whilethe baby is in the womb. How can that be?
While the baby is in the womb it starts to learn about itsenvironment after about six months of pregnancy, when it iscapable of hearing external sounds. Of course, it is aware ofits internal environment earlier than that, but there is littleyou can do to enhance that. But when it comes to the externalenvironment, you are in a position to have some influence evenfrom that early stage of development.
What Can You Teach Your Baby In The Womb?
With the baby in the womb there is clearly a very limited scopefor teaching as such. However, you can provide additionalstimulation that will form an important part of their learningat that stage. You can provide many hints as to what the outsideenvironment is like, in a way that sets a good foundation fortheir feeling of love and security.
The main external awareness of a baby in the womb is sound. Ifyou can make the external sounds comforting and welcoming thenthat will help the baby more than you may think. Music is aproven stimulation to babies, especially classical music; adaily dose of Mozart will stimulate the baby's brain and senses.With any luck, they will become a musical talent, but that isnot an issue at this stage of their development.
You do not, of course, have to restrict her to classical music.Whatever music you like, just turn the volume up a bit more thanusual to ensure she hears it. The sound will be muffled, but bythe time baby is born, she will be used to your musical tastes.Your aim should be to make the outside environment familiar tothe baby. Most of that will happen naturally, and she willbecome used to the daily sounds, such as vacuum cleaner,liquidizer, lawnmower and other domestic noises that arepenetrating.
Our baby daughter was born in the Philippines, where our usualform of transport is a tricycle. I do not think it a coincidencethat, once she was born, she was contented with the noise of atricycle; and they are noisy here, I assure you, especiallyoutside the womb! However noisy the tricycle, she would alwaysbe asleep within a minute or two, and even now at 20 months isparticularly relaxed on a deafening tricycle.
If you want to insist on having a most important sound in thewomb, then it must be the voices of the parents. Getting to knowthe voice of mum and dad will come naturally, but dad especiallycan get up close and talk to the baby in the womb. It will nottalk back of course, but you can rest assured, if she is awake,she will be intrigued by your up close and personal voice. It issomething I did every evening with Saffron. That also had theeffect of keeping her awake as long as possible during theevening, so she was less restless at night. That can be veryhelpful for mum to get a good night's sleep.
Another external stimulation which I never learnt about for mynow grown up children, and that is light. This can be even moreuseful for keeping baby awake in the evening. If you take apowerful flashlight, switch it on, and hold it close to mum'stummy, the baby in the womb will respond to it. I must say Ithought it a silly idea, until the then unborn Saffron startedmoving every time the light was switched on. So, the flashlightbecame another tool in the "keep baby awake in the evening"campaign to stop mum being kicked so much during the night.
Maybe Saffron did not appreciate my "keep her awake" tactics.She was probably wondering "who is this guy keeping me awake allthe time; doesn't he realise I want to get some sleep?"
However, she does seem to have done well on it. She has sleptlike a log all night, every night apart from one, since she wasjust a few months' old. The odd night? Apparently, a bad dreamat 11 pm. A quick cuddle and words of reassurance, and she wasback to sleep again.
Whether that has any connection to her in-the-womb experiences,I cannot say for sure. But I will definitely be using the sametactics again next time, if we are blessed with a baby sister orbrother for her.
About the Author: Roy Thomsitt is the owner/author of, and, ably assisted by his babydaughter, the Baby Blog
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Make Your Own Baby Food- The Easy Way!

Make Your Own Baby Food- The Easy Way!By Carrie Lauth
Is your baby about to start solid foods? Are you thinking ofmaking your own baby food?
When you make baby's first foods, you can save money and reducewaste. You also can choose more nutritious options. Fresh foodsare typically more nutritious than canned, and you can purchaseorganic food to prepare for baby if you wish. You can also avoidunwholesome ingredients that show up in commercial baby food.
Making baby food doesn't have to be expensive or timeconsuming. In fact, the easiest and cheapest way is the bestway!
The easy way to making your own baby food:
1) Don't bother with buying one of those baby food grinders.They're hard to clean and too much hassle.
2) If you wait until your baby is 6 months old to start solids,you can almost always just mash with a fork to the desiredconsistency.
If you're breastfeeding, you can even wait until baby's "pincergrasp" is developed and offer him small finger foods like peas,bits of grated apple, and the like. The pincer grasp isdeveloped when baby can pinch small objects (like those bits ofcarpet fluff or food on the kitchen floor!) inbetween his thumband first finger. In fact, if you have a family tendency towardsfood allergy, waiting longer to start solids may be preferable.No matter what baby's age, always offer one food at a time andwait several days to watch for signs of allergy before offeringanother. Take it slow.
3) Start with fresh single ingredient foods like:
Banana Steamed carrot, turnip, potato, yam Avocado Ripe pear, peach, melon, plum Cooked squash Grated apple- raw or steamed Peas Well cooked beans Hard cooked egg yolks (avoid the whites until 1 year)
Some of these foods could be served raw. Others are lightlysteamed (steaming retains more nutrients than canning), to makethem softer for baby.
4) It's not necessary to make a big deal of preparing baby'sfood.
If you want to take a lot of time blending food and freezingthem in ice cube trays, you could certainly do that. But I'm allfor the easy approach!
Although you do want to avoid giving baby salt and sugar (andspices that may upset the tummy), you can usually just take aningredient from your own menu and "make" baby's dinner.
For instance, if you're steaming veggies to serve at dinner,take a tablespoon of them out of the pan before you add butterand salt. Put this in baby's plate and mash away. Voila! Instantbaby food with no extra work. Or take a bit of beef from yourroast and mash mash mash until it's very soft.
Even when you're at a restaurant, you can either bring an applewith you and "grate" it finely with a spoon at your table, orbring along a banana or other portable food. Any restaurant witha salad bar would have cooked beans or avocado. Or give baby abit of your baked potato (before you add the goodies on top).
Life with a new baby is challenging enough. Keep startingsolids simple!
For more helpful tips on simplifying life with kids, visit:
About the Author: Carrie Lauth, mom of 4, publishes a freenewsletter for Moms doing things the natural way. Get your copyplus free subscriber goodies at:
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Must-have Baby Furniture For Your New Arrival

Must-have Baby Furniture For Your New ArrivalBy Alex Daniels
Congratulations! Having a baby is a wonderfully exciting time,but it also requires a certain amount of planning. When yournewborn arrives home, it’s important that he/she have a specialroom that’s designed just for them. If you start decoratingearly, you will be much more prepared for the newest addition toyour family.
When it comes to decorating a nursery, the first thing thatmost parents shop for is a bassinet. As the child grows, he/shewill require a crib. When shopping for either of these items,sturdiness is a must. For most parents, the bar spacing for acrib is a big consideration as children have often been known tobecome wedged between the bars. If shopping for a crib, makesure to pay close attention to this feature and choose the modelthat is the safest for your child.
A nursery wouldn’t be complete without a rocking chair to helpsoothe your little one during those restless nights. Mostparents choose to have the rocking chair next to the crib orbassinet so that they can place the baby back in bed afterhe/she has fallen asleep. A good rocking chair must be strong,sturdy and smooth. Ideally, it would also be free of anysqueaks or creaks. Otherwise, your baby may have troublegetting to sleep.
Most nurseries also feature a changing table, which is idealfor a quick diaper change, cleanup and even dressing the infant.
Most changing tables feature one or more compartments, whichare perfect for storing baby clothing, changing supplies andextra diapers. If there isn’t enough storage, you can purchasea separate drawer unit and place next to the changing table foreasy access.
Additional items that should be included in every nurseryinclude a baby bathtub, stroller, diaper bag, blankets, extrabedding linens, mobiles, bottles, toys, etc. When choosing theitems for your nursery, it’s important to select only those thatoffer quality construction and safety. The furniture that youchoose will be the only protection between your child and thefloor, which is why excellence is a must.
In conclusion, shopping for baby furniture can be a funexperience. You can check out a specialty store or even yourlocal retailer’s infant department for a variety of items toinclude in your nursery. Most new moms also have a baby shower,which may help to add some thoughtful touches to your newborn’sroom. Shopping for nursery furniture online is also a terrificway to go not only because of the variety, but also thecompetitive pricing.
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