Death May Be At Bay For A Baby Boomer, Be Prepared For TheirBurialBy Steve D'Agostino
When babies are born, their families rejoice and are quiteoverjoyed. Their parents are always there to guide them andattend to their needs. As they grow old, they are capable to dothings on their own, and some of them even choose to leave theirhomes for greener pastures. When they finally find a good job,they can take care of all their expenses.
Life is full of surprises, and it is very much unpredictable.Many people die every day; are you prepared for it? You can'tsay that you'll die at this age because who knows, after an houror a second you may die.
As babies are born in this world, they come with a cost. Theirparents have to pay for their hospital bills and othermedications. And when people finally rest in peace, theirfamilies will still have to spend money for their funeral.
When a person dies, his or her family is sad because they losta loved one. And sometimes, the burden is even more felt if theydon't have enough money to spend for the funeral. This is onereason why a person should be prepared for death.
Although a lot of people are scared about death, you shouldn'tbe that way. You should be prepared and start living a good lifefor other people to remember you by. Baby boomers should startpreparing for this event because for the next years to come, forthey will be the ones to face this reality.
The years 1946 to 1964 were also the years of increased births.During these years, baby boomers were born. The US government isexpecting the death rate to increase between the current yearsand will continue until 2035. It can reach as high as 3.5million annually, an increase of about 50% of the death rate inthe US alone.
As baby boomers reach their timeline, they are about to facethe final fact of life. All living things must end, and man isno exception. Because of the new technology in the medicalprofession, many baby boomers' lives were extended or postponed.But now, it's inevitable.
Perhaps, families of baby boomers are not yet ready. Even theentire population may not be ready to face massive deaths ofbaby boomers. Not one is interested, but their lives areslipping through even if they don't want it that way.
Seldom can you find couples talking about their deaths. Infact, statistics have shown that many people don't have thecourage to speak about their death. They find it hard to discussmatters about death on a more personal level. But death is anoccurrence that all people must face and deal with.
The family of the baby boomers should be prepared to make thefinal arrangements. And this has nothing to do with hotelreservations. The final arrangements pertains to the funeral,cremation or cemetery burial of their loved ones.
Baby boomers probably know that by now, and they are preparingfor their final trip. They came into the world and theirgeneration was highly noted in history because of their largenumber. And now, they will again make a history, only now, theywould be parting this world.
Most of today's individuals want to be prepared. Typicalexamples are insurance plans and educational plans. Finalarrangements are now widely acceptable in the society. In fact,there are those who plan for their burial.
You have to overcome your fear. And baby boomers are quiteknown to be strong individuals. So there is no need to be scarednow that you're in the last stages of your battle in life.
If you've made your final arrangements, then you're family andloved ones will not have much problems during the funeral. Theywill be able to spend the remaining hours by your side untilyou're finally taken to your final destination.
When baby boomers were still in their youth, they didn't wantto grow old. Funny right, but guess what, a lot of the babyboomers are now aging. And now that they're old, they can't doanything about it. The last thing they can do is to prepare forthe coming of death.
About the Author: Steve D'Agostino has extensive experiencewith financial planning and health issues. For more information,please see his new ebook The Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide at, and see how you can make themost of this time in your life.
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