A Guide To Buying Baby And Toddler ShoesBy Lucy Bartlett
Choosing the correct shoes for infants and younger children canbe a bit daunting, hopefully this guide will make you a littlemore confident when it comes to making your purchase.
Babies which are not yet crawling or walking really do not needshoes, and it is advisable to let them keep their feet free sothey can move and develop naturally. Wearing a pair of softknitted of fleece material baby booties are a good idea to keeptheir feet warm when the temperature is cooler. If you wouldlike your baby to wear shoes when you go out, opt for a verysoft breathable material and make sure that the shoe is plentybig enough to allow for natural movement of the foot and toes.
When your baby starts crawling, again they do not really needshoes but with all of the rubbing across the floor that the topof their foot will endure it is advisable to purchase a softpair of shoes for some protection when the terrain is a bitrough. Although very delicate, babies feet are also very tough,and can naturally withstand the chaffing caused by crawling.Socks are adequate, but generally will end up trailing behindtheir feet most of the time! At home try to let your baby crawlaround with bare feet or just socks, as the constant wearing ofa shoe will inhibit their ability to develop the use of theirfeet.
Once your baby has taken their first steps it is time to buytheir first pair of walking shoes. Although bear in mind thatthe more time spent walking bare foot the better, as it helpsyour baby to figure out how their feet work and also helps thefoot develop naturally.
There are times when going bare foot is not practical or it isunsanitary so you need a good pair of shoes to protect theirfeet from harm.
The shoes you select need to be soft and flexible and have anon slip sole. Ensure that the sole is not thick so that yourbaby can feel the floor beneath them. It is not necessary to buyhigh tops for ankle support, high tops could restrict themovement of the ankle which will hinder your babies walkingprogress. Make sure the material is soft and breathable to helpkeep their feet cool and comfortable.
To check the fit of your baby’s shoe, you should be able to fityour little finger between the heel of your baby’s foot and theback of the shoe, also there should be a thumbs width gapbetween the big toe and the front of the shoe.
Baby shoes do not need to be “broken in” so get them to have alittle walk around the shop with them on and watch to see if theshoes hinder their walking, then remove the shoes and check forany signs of pressure from the shoes on your babies’ feet.
Whether you choose Velcro or lace ups is a personal choice foryou. Remember that the shoes will be taken on and off a lot, somany people opt for Velcro for convenience. If you select lacedshoes, do not over tighten the laces or just as importantly donot tie them too loose.
Something to remember is that when the weather is hot, and alsotowards the end of the day, children’s feet swell just as adultsdo, so when shopping for shoes it might be an idea to go laterin the day.
Check the fit of your baby’s shoes once a month, as children’sfeet grow at different rates there is no set period to purchasea new pair, but expect to buy a new pair every three to sixmonths. Check the shoes often for signs of wear or damage, forexample cracks on the bottom or holes or flapping parts on thetop.
About the Author: Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author.Find more articles at http://mindbodyandsoulportal.info/ Formore info visit http://bouncingbabyshoes.info/ orhttp://bouncingbabyshoes.info/toddler-shoes.html
Source: http://www.isnare.com
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