Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Good And Bad Characteristics Of A Baby Boomer

The Good And Bad Characteristics Of A Baby BoomerBy Steve D'Agostino
Every individual is unique in his own way. This makes himdifferent from anyone else. Even brothers and sisters differ alot. But with every person's distinct characteristics, he shouldstill be able achieve good relationship with other people.
Many generations have been in existence for years now. And eachgeneration is identified with certain uniqueness from othergenerations. If you're a baby boomer, you probably know this bynow.
What then is a baby boomer? Baby boomers are those born afterthe Second World War. It includes babies born from 1946 to 1964during the time of prosperity after the war.
Baby Boomers are identified for their characteristics very muchdifferent from other generations. This maybe because they allgrew up in a world that is generally dominated by the AmericanMilitary. They lived in a world that offers new wonders likemarvelous gadgets, household appliances. And during that time,very seldom can you find unemployed individuals. This means thatalmost all families enjoyed a prosperous life.
The academic leadership, cultural, political and industrialclasses are almost dominated by baby boomers. The most prominentindividuals are George Bush and Bill Clinton. They are both babyboomers and they both illustrate a diverging range of attitudesand values.
The families of baby boomers have the largest household incomesin America. There are early boomers, as well as late boomers.This generation is identified mostly of the early boomersbecause the late boomers didn't experience the military draft.The late boomers however, were more identified of the differentcultural factors that they were able to share.
These late boomers are also known as early generation X's. Atpresent, they are now in the stage where they want to leave amark in history. The baby boomer's birth is a part of history,and this may be the reason why they are idealists in their ownright. Boomers are expected to have a big impact and influenceover cultural and political matters. They often belong to thehigher echelons of power; and these leaders exhibitdecisiveness, vision, and they can withstand even the worst ofevery situation.
But the baby boomers are not only known for their positivecharacter. They also have destructive tendencies likeselfishness, arrogance, and ruthlessness that can result to aoutright despotism or factional strife.
During a baby boomer's midlife, they often re-evaluateeverything that has something to do with their personal life.Those having families focus on the triumph and failures of theirkids because they only want what's best for them. Some boomerseven go the extent of managing their children's lives.
Boomers are over-protective parents. They want to sanitizealmost everything that their children can see, includingtelevision programs. This is in contrast to their earlychildhood when they themselves want to indulge in almosteverything with fewer restrictions. Through their kids, theyseek to bring improvements to the society.
Though baby boomers are known as the counter-cultural type andas hippies, they also have passions for social and personalimprovement. But this is usually exhibited once they age out.
Baby boomers were greatly criticized as ageist and anti -youth.This is further evidenced by their catchphrase 'don't trustanyone over 30'. But not all baby boomers are like this, thereare also those who abide by the social norms of the societyduring their time.
Boomer or not, they are all important individuals who cancontribute a great deal to the world. People should notconcentrate mainly on the generation that they are identifiedwith; but they should make it a point to do all things that cancontribute to the peace and prosperity of humankind.
Every person has his or her positive and negativecharacteristics. Nobody's perfect, and that is a true and provenfact. There are individuals who are known to be perfectionistsbut this doesn't mean that are perfect as a person. It's butnatural to commit mistakes as a human being. The most importantthing is to learn from the mistakes in the past; and is you wantto improve yourself; you may do so but make sure that it is forthe better.
About the Author: Steve D'Agostino has extensive experiencewith financial planning and health issues. For more information,please see his new ebook The Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide at, and see how you can make themost of this time in your life.
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