Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saving Money On Organic Cotton Baby Clothes

Saving Money On Organic Cotton Baby ClothesBy Sally Jean Myers
As Parents we want the best for our Baby. We want to keep ourBabies safe from things that might harm them. This is exactlywhy more and more Parents are choosing Organic Cotton BabyClothes.
Organic Baby Clothing has recently become very popular withconcerned parents due to the Natural way the Cotton is grown,therefore making it a better choice for our Baby's Clothingneeds. Cotton that has been organically grown is not subjectedto harsh Chemicals and Pesticides as is Non-Organic Cotton,therefore making it a better choice for your Baby and ourPlanets Environment.
There is one drawback to choosing Organically Manufactured BabyClothing, and that one drawback is the higher price! Since theprocess for growing and manufacturing Organic Cotton BabyClothing is more expensive, and as Parents we must pay higherprices for the Organic Baby Clothes we buy. However we do getthe peace of mind knowing there are no harsh or harmfulchemicals in our Baby's Clothing.
Not only is Organic Cotton grown under stringent standards, itis also manufactured under very tight guidelines, in order to beconsidered Organic in nature. The manufacturing process must notinclude harmful fabric dyes and or harmful chemicals in theGrowing, Processing and Manufacturing of organic clothing.
Parents should be cautious when buying Organic Baby Clothes,and be sure to read the Clothing Labels carefully, because thereare Clothing Manufactures that are not totally truthful, orethical. Some Manufactures will label the clothing as "Organic"when in fact it is NOT fully Organic in Nature. It is advisedthat Parents should shop for Name Brands that you both know andtrust when shopping for Organic Clothing for your Baby.
Buying Organic Clothes is safer for your baby as well as saferfor the environment. Just be sure to read the labels and checkfor wording like, "Organically Grown Cotton" and possibly"Organically Manufactured Cotton", to be assured you are buyingAuthentic Organic Cotton Baby Clothes for your Baby. Buyerbeware, as my Dad always said!
As a Frugal Mom I want my Baby to wear Organic Cotton BabyClothes; however the price is rather high if you are Shopping atthe Local Mall, or Independent Baby Stores. Since my Baby isactually allergic to some of the fabric dies used in Non-OrganicCotton Baby Clothing I had to begin buying ONLY OrganicallyGrown and Manufactured Baby Clothes for her.
I first went Online and researched the topic of “Organic BabyClothes” and found the prices Online to be less than in theBrick and Mortar Baby Stores in Town. However, one day in myresearch I found a link on Google to Ebay and it was aboutOrganic Baby Clothing, so I clicked the link and was pleasantlysurprised with what I found.
In searching further on Ebay, I found I could save even moremoney buying Organic Cotton Baby Clothes on Auction, andsometimes I even get Free Shipping from some Ebay SellersOnline. As a Work at Home Mom on a tight budget I welcome anyopportunity to save money on things I buy on a regular basissuch as Baby Items.
So, needless to say I spend a fair amount of time searching forall types of Baby related items on auction at Ebay. I have savedlots of money and found tons of great deals on Organic CottonBaby Clothes, and other Baby Items since I found Ebay.
When it comes to saving money, and saving time, I like the ideaof shopping at home and not having to worry about finding aparking place, fighting traffic, or standing in line at the cashregister. Plus, I also save money on gas by shopping online. Iguess that is why I am called The Frugal Mom!
About the Author: This Article was written by Sally Jean Myers,a Mother of Six Children, a Work at Home Mom, and the Owner ofBaby Store Bargains Online. If you would like more informationon Shopping for Baby Clothes as well as other Baby relatedarticles please visit the Authors Website
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