Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Gift Baskets: Not Just For Baby Showers

Baby Gift Baskets: Not Just For Baby ShowersBy Jacoba Fenny
When we think of a baby gift basket being presented, we thinkof the baby shower. Certainly the baby shower is one of thefirst gift-giving opportunities for the new parents, but babygift baskets can be given and are more than appropriate for themany other gift giving occasions that are in store for the newlittle one.
Just to make it comprehensive, let’s start with the babyshower. Most of the time, this is a first child for the coupleand they need practically everything. The expense of a new babyafter it arrives can be daunting, especially if the parents needto add items such as baby formula, baby food and diapers totheir weekly shopping list. Along with all of the weeklysupplies, there are regular doctor visits that need to beafforded and other incidentals that the baby will need. The babyshower is a perfect opportunity to help lessen the burdenfinancially so the parents can concentrate on enjoying everyminute with their precious new bundle of joy.
Use the baby shower to give a baby gift basket of items thatthey will definitely need. Sure, it may be more fun to buy that6 foot tall giant stuffed panda bear, but what are they going touse it for? More than likely, it will become a new sleepingplace for the family pet. The baby shower is an opportunity toease the overwhelming sense of responsibility and stress thatthe parents may be beginning to feel as the day of their baby’sarrival looms closer and closer.
Gift baskets, such as traditional layettes or an assortment ofone-piece undershirts or even a crafty display of diapers willbe most appreciated. If you are especially talented, present thenew parents to be with an array of hand made baby items. Handsewn baby quilts, crocheted or knitted booties and receivingblankets and little toys are not only practical, but becausethey are hand made, they could become family heirlooms that getpassed down to grandchildren. If it is appropriate, this is alsoa wonderful opportunity to give a hand made baptismal orchristening set of a gown, booties, cap and blanket.
Just because the baby shower has passed doesn’t mean that theopportunities for giving baby gift baskets has passed with it.Once the baby arrives is a wonderful excuse to come bearing agift. Now that the baby’s gender is known, if it wasn’t before,and he or she has a name and is becoming his or her ownpersonality makes putting together a gift even more fun. Now isthe time when you can personalize your gift giving and your giftbasket can reflect the new child that is actually here.
Now that the baby has arrived, there are still plenty of timesthat a gift basket can say just the right thing. If the baby isgoing to be christened, that could be a wonderful time for asmall gift basket of Bible story board books, religious jewelryor keepsakes. You could also include a small photo album for theparents to put all of the photographs from the day.
Still the opportunities to give baby gift baskets are upcoming.Throughout the coming year, the baby will be experiencing allkinds of firsts. Every holiday that arrives will be a magicalone for the new family. It is always joyful when you can sharein these marvelous times with them.
Imagine the possibilities of creating a gift basket for baby’sfirst Christmas. You could include items such as a tree ornamentthat represents something that is special to the baby. Or asmall nativity set or a Santa’s village that is made of largersoft-sided components. If the baby’s first Christmas is a fewmonths after their birth, this would then be a good time topurchase warmer sleepers for them in their larger size. If thebaby is eating solid food now, a gift basket of baby foods,cereals, snacks and formula would really help the parents outespecially at this Christmas time. This could also be theperfect opportunity to begin the baby’s movie collection bystarting with some of the Christmas classics like Rudolph, TheRed-Nosed Reindeer and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Another big holiday for the new baby is Easter time. What amore perfect opportunity to give a gift basket than at Easter.Depending on the child’s age when he or she celebrates theirfirst Easter, you could give appropriate snacks, toys or stuffedanimals. This may also be a good time to buy a new spring outfitfor them or new shoes. Don’t limit your imagination. Find abeautiful Easter basket that the child could use every year andfill it with everything you can imagine a child of that ageappreciating.
Two other holidays that you may not necessarily consider givinga gift basket on are Halloween and Independence Day. These aretwo holidays where you could really come up with a gift basketthat is very unique and special. Again, always shop for itemswith the baby’s current age in mind and have fun. For Halloween,you could include a small costume or stuffed animal. And ofcourse, don’t forget to add some “treats” that the baby couldenjoy. Pop them all in a plastic pumpkin bucket and you are allset. Independence Day gift baskets for the baby could includered, white and blue toys and stuffed animals and some safecelebration toys that do not have any small parts on them like akazoo or small drum or trumpet. If the child is old enough, heor she will love to add their own noise to the celebration.
And finally, we come to the day of celebration that is alltheir own, their first birthday. By this time, many babies arecrawling and some are even walking. A gift basket at this timecould include a small scooter and walker combination that allowsthe child to push the vehicle or ride it. Many of these are inthe shape of small cars, bikes, trains and trucks and have acompartment on them that opens up. Fill this compartment withother items that a one year old would love.
Little ones love to push items like small cars and many arejust beginning to experiment with crayons and scribbling. Youcan find special markers and pad sets that only write if thespecial marker is used on the special paper. The parents willespecially appreciate the thoughtfulness.
Another great gift is a child-safe soft padded plastic miniphoto book. These albums usually hold about eight photographsand are equipped with a handle so the toddler can carry itaround. Inside it holds pictures of the people who are specialto baby, so he or she can open it up any time and see the facesof those they love. This is a wonderful gift especially if thebaby has grandparents that live too far away to visit on aregular basis.
As you can see, the life of a new baby is basically onegift-giving experience after another. Use as many opportunitiesas you can to give the little one a unique gift basket and fillthe child’s first year with lots of mementos and small presents.After all of this, if you weren’t a member of the familyalready, you will be now.
About the Author: Jacoba Fenny offers a complete line giftbaskets and baby gift baskets for every occasion at
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