Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Boomers Are Turning From Workers Into Travelers

Baby Boomers Are Turning From Workers Into TravelersBy Dan Skriver
Traveling is a great way to spend your free time. If you'requite busy with your work, you'll find it hard to enjoytraveling to beautiful places. Many people with careers toattend to can't seem to fit traveling in their schedule.
Not all people have the opportunity to travel. One main reasonis cost, and another is lack of time. Baby boomers are nearlyretiring, and most travel agencies are expecting their incomesto soar higher once these boomers retire. Almost all boomersbelong to wealthy families so traveling will not be a big dealto them. They can now enjoy the pleasure of traveling todifferent places without worrying about their jobs or theirfamilies.
If you think that baby boomers are sulking in their homesbecause they are now old, well, you're quite wrong. They are outthere, waiting to make another 'boom'. Independent travelerslike baby boomers will not have a hard time looking for the bestluxury-travel that they've wanted all their life. There areresources for good traveling deals which they can afford.
They're strong character never grew old with time, only theirphysical appearance. They want to get the best deals, even intraveling. Taking them for granted is not a good thing to do. Infact, travel agencies and companies can still benefit from thembecause they now have the money and time to book travels.
Many travel companies are offering luxury trips for babyboomers; but just a note of warning to these companies. Boomersare smart individuals and they don't want other people to takeadvantage of them. So make sure that you will offer trips whichthey can consider as a good value for their hard-earned money.
Ever since baby boomers were born, they have received lots ofattention. And now that many travel companies are offering themvarious travel deals, they just love it. There is even this newtraveler's website exclusively for baby boomers; when it opened,many boomers wrote emails and said that they were very excitedto have a site that would cater to their traveling needs.
Baby boomers are known as selfish people, but on the contrary,they are helpful individuals. One website can attest to thisbecause you can find many baby boomers on the net. They lovemessage boards, they want to make new friends, and they want tohelp other people.
A large percentage of baby boomers find it easier to book theirtravels through the internet, and they often do this at nightuntil the wee hours of the morning. The internet makes it moreconvenient for them, and they are gladly accepting technologicaladvances which many people claim that older generations oppose.
Boomers want to stay and look young. Retirement is not the endfor them, they often view it as a new opportunity to travel andlive a wonderful life. Aging is not a big issue for babyboomers.
After so many years of working hard, taking care of kids,sending them off to school, meeting office deadlines, etc. itsnow time for baby boomers to focus more on themselves. Travelcompanies should be able to offer luxurious tours and trips thatare of good value for boomers.
Baby boomers want to be free. Today's travel agencies andcompanies usually have organized trips and tours. What babyboomers like is to do things on their own and to exploredifferent places together with their friends or families.
This is a great opportunity for travel companies and agenciesto offer trips which allow baby boomers to enjoy traveling ontheir own with minimal supervision. Make sure that you pamperthem with a range of traveling options where they can enjoytheir vacation to the fullest, without time constraints andschedules.
Baby boomers want a memorable and relaxing vacation and most ofthem don't want to spend it in roadside hotels which are rathernoisy and packed with so many people. Traveling to moreluxurious hotels and resorts that are quieter attracts babyboomers. Though it may be expensive, it's worth the money.
With baby boomers making up about 29% of the US population, thetraveling industry can enjoy a huge number of boomers topatronize their business.
About the Author: To learn more about traveling as well as manyother issues concerning Baby Boomers go to Hello BoomersMagazine at Dan Skriver is an assistanteditor and writer at Hello Boomers magazine. For moreinformation go to
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