Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dealing With Baby Acne

Dealing With Baby AcneBy Louise Forrest
Acne is a skin condition that is mostly affecting teenagers andseveral adults. But did you know that there have also beenreported cases of acne occurrence in babies? Even newly borninfants are not spared from the skin condition. In fact, thereare cases when some babies are born with skin acne. So asresponsible and caring parents, what should you do if your babyis suffering from acne?
Before looking at effective ways on how such a problem could beremedied, it would be better to first understand how and whyacne occurs in babies. Skin acne on babies could show up whenthe infant reaches the age if about three to four weeks. Asmentioned, in some cases, acne can already be affecting babyskin upon birth.
Acne on babies usually develops in their chin, forehead orcheeks. If you make a closer observation, you would readilynotice that the acne is looking worse especially when thenewborn baby is fussy or crying. Any other reactions andmovements of the baby that facilitate an increase of blood flowin the skin would make the acne look more evident andnoticeable.
A number of studies have found that acne in babies is producedwhen there are hormonal changes within the baby's fragile body.As you know, the baby has been protected and suited inside theexpecting mom's womb for about nine months. Because of that, thebaby basically has been nourished by nutrients in the mom's wombthrough the placenta. Thus, the hormones dominating the mom'sbody is usually also present in the unborn child. After birth,the baby would be deprived from such hormone, resulting to skinreaction, which is the onset of acne.
Another proven cause of baby acne is the stimulation of the oilglands beneath the baby's very fragile skin. Usually, acne inbabies appear on the nasal bridge, forehead and cheeks becauseit is on those areas where the human body's oil glands arelocated and are functioning actively.
The third cause of baby acne is the use and contact with untidyand dirty clothes and clothing material. As such, the acne inthe baby serves as an apparent and visible reaction of the skinto dirt in the surface, which is part of the body's defensemechanism.
Now that you have an idea of the main causes of the appearanceof acne in baby skin, you can now easily adopt strategies andremedies on how you could get rid of the problem. First of all,experts advise parents whose babies have acne at a very youngage to just let the skin condition disappear by itself. There isno need to worry as usually, such skin problem when appearing ininfants naturally wears off and disappear a few days or weeksafter appearance. That is because the baby's system within thebody is starting to adopt to natural and outside conditions bythat time.
Washing the affected part with water only or with water and avery mild soap would also help a lot. When doing so, remembernot to scrub or rub baby's skin too harshly as doing so woulddefinitely harm the fragile skin of the baby.
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