Sunday, January 4, 2009

Choosing A Nursery Theme For Your Baby

Choosing A Nursery Theme For Your BabyBy Kimberly Thane
It is a huge responsibility to plan for the baby’s nursery.Furniture must be selected; walls painted and most important isthe criterion of safety measures. But the most interesting partof the entire planning is to select the theme of the nursery.Zeroing on the theme of the nursery would be the first steptowards the planning process because it would set the basis onwhich you would decorate the entire nursery of the baby.
For the room of baby, you would never run of themes because ofthe sheer number of them available. You can select a theme thatis masculine or feminine depending on the gender of the baby, oryou could go for a neutral theme in case you plan to have morebabies. This will ensure that you will not have to redecoratethe room when the next baby arrives with a different gender. Ifyour next baby is a girl then a blue based theme for your boywould not work for her. Similarly a boy would not be entertainedin a nursery with a pink princess theme.
If you want to create a nursery that will cause stimulation tothe baby’s mind as he or she grows, try going for geometricpatterns and shapes and bright primary colors. Yellow, blue andred are the most common colors that provide stimulation totoddlers. And if the shapes and patterns are big enough, you cantry using them on walls and bedding, it would be equallyhelpful. Since it takes a few months for a baby to fully realizehis vision, the bright and huge patterns would be a welcomeexercise for him.
No matter what theme you finally settle for, prepare yourselfto be in it for some years. The majority of babies are notprepared for a room of a toddler until they reach the age of twoor three. Because toddler beds utilize similar size bedding andmattress as does a crib, you can go on with the theme you chosefor him as an infant if you so wish.
Enjoy yourself while planning the decoration of the nursery,irrespective of the theme chosen. This is one of the happiestmoments of your life, moments that you would cherish all yourlife.
About the Author: Kimberly Thane is an educator and mother oftwo girls. See more articles at
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