Sunday, January 4, 2009

Choosing Unique Baby Boy Names

Choosing Unique Baby Boy NamesBy Vincent Yim
Most of the times, confusion and desperation prevail when itcomes to choosing baby boy names especially if the child happensto be the first baby boy and the first grandchild of both themother’s and father’s parents.
Choosing unique baby boy names is one of the most importantdecisions you can do for your baby. A well-chosen name for babyboys actually ranks second in importance apart from actuallygiving life and a good future to your child.
Since most parents (and grandparents as well) want theiroffspring to be markedly different from the rest of the crowd,the Internet becomes a very valuable resource in choosing aunique name for baby boys in order to move away from the sameold name patterns that seem to be prevalent. Although this maybe understandable due to playing it safe, family traditions orlack of resources in choosing unusual and unique baby boy names.
Since there are literally hundreds of thousands of websitesdedicated to baby name directories, the secret then in findingand choosing modern baby names that goes well with the familyname. This then requires a careful analysis and evaluation ofall the options of cute baby names or unique baby boy namesbased on sound ease of spelling and pronunciation and nicknamederivatives especially when combined with the family surname.
Make sure that your chosen name for baby boys is not onlyunique and unusual but has a meaning which you should know andinform him about later on. (You don’t want to name him Yipekayesimply because it’s Bruce Willis’/John McLane’s battle cry inthe Die Hard series).
Name for baby boys can be unique and unusual and can be almostanything as long as it has a meaning that makes your son (theowner of the name) proud. (You don’t want your son changing hiscute baby name when he comes of age simply because he doesn’tlike the way it sounds or because he has become the butt of jokein school).
Since throughout our lives (and even after we die) we areidentified by our first names, choosing baby boy names are veryimportant and it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure thatthe cute baby name or modern name they choose is not going toresult in a lifetime of embarrassment and ridicule.
Parents should use both traditional and non-traditional methodsof choosing baby boy names and use the Internet as much aspossible. Many online sites have unique baby boy names accordingto categories such as Eastern or Western, Biblical, mythologicaland others. Several sites even have an alphabetical listing ofnames gathered from the four corners of the globe. However, themost interesting site that caught my attention is the namegenerator – you only have to enter your first name and familyname and you are presented with several options of unique babyboy names for your child!
Remember unique baby boy names give a lifetime of identity.Make your choice count wisely and your baby proud.
About the Author: Vincent Yim is the founder of he created this kid's weblog isproviding a platform for all parents who can share and learnvaluable ideas and tips in bringing up our children byunderstanding their interest behaviors viz children healthyfoods, educational toys, kids hobbies, clothing, activities andgames, schooling and moral values, etc.
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