Sunday, January 4, 2009

Save Your Newborn From Acne With A Baby Acne Treatment

Save Your Newborn From Acne With A Baby Acne TreatmentBy Stephanie Young
It is certainly a must for a new parent to know about a babyacne treatment especially when your newborn has developed acne.Do not panic, as it is not a serious problem. It is notpermanent either and it vanishes on its own within a shortperiod. At the same time, baby acne is not be ignored as itcauses a lot of itching and inconvenience to the tender baby. Bytaking some care and simple baby acne treatment, we can avoidthe accumulation and growth of additional bacteria.
Before proceeding for any baby acne treatment, it would bebetter to know what it actually is. People of all ages areaffected by acne and the newborn babies are not an exception.Normally acne occurs due to the excessive oil produced by thesebaceous glands. The acne-producing bacteria work along withthe excessive oil and leads to an acne breakout. However, incase of newborn babies, acne occurs due to the hormones passedfrom the mother to child through the placenta during delivery.
These hormones excite the sebaceous glands in the babies andthe result is a baby acne breakout. It can be normally seen onthe forehead, cheeks, chin and back of the baby. The skindevelops a red rash with small bumps on it and causes vigorousitching to the baby. A newborn is affected by baby acne usuallyaround four weeks and it may last up to the age of four to sixmonths.
Some people fail to distinguish between baby acne and othertypes of skin disorders. Many types of allergies and rashesaffect infants. Some babies develop milia one of the skindisorder in which a baby develops bumps on face usually duringthe time of birth. Anyway, these bumps disappear very soon andno medication is needed. Some babies suffer with eczema that isagain a type of skin rash. Therefore, it is very important torecognize the actual problem and then go for the right baby acnetreatment. First, a baby should be always kept clean andhygienic. Always wash the baby's body and face gently with warmwater and mild baby soap. Avoid harsh soaps on the baby'sdelicate skin and wash all the baby clothing like baby towels,bed linen, and blankets with mild detergents. Do not scrub orrub the body of the baby after wash rather pat it dry with asoft cloth. Over washing the skin can further aggravate theirritation and make sure not to apply any lotion or baby oilwhen he or she is suffering with baby acne.
The best way to treat a baby is to remain patient. However, ifyou find the problem severe then get the advice of adermatologist. Never try to experiment the baby's skin withcreams and lotions meant for adult usage.
Baby acne is a common problem experienced by about 20% ofnewborn population. If left untreated, it disappears by itself.It is also found that male babies are more affected by baby acnecompared to the female infants. It is very important to knowthat it is not a result of family history of acne. It also doesnot mean that a baby suffering from it will definitely face theacne problems in his future teenage years. There may be mythsregarding this issue but the fact is that a best baby acnetreatment will solve the problem.
About the Author: To discover lots of hints, tips and secretsthat help get rid of your acne, be sure to check out:
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